Gordon and Laura Haynes were brother and sister and attended the Ainsley School. Also Marion Batty did also. (Incidentally Laura is my aunt having married my uncle.) There are also early photos of the Haynes and Batty Families. . I cannot locate a photo of the school unfortunately. Jan. 13, 1927 is the date of the Empress Express birth announcement of Laura Haynes. Paul Chapman For more information on Ainslee School District 4274Book Title Golden Memories 1912-1963. Blindloss Pioneer Committee. 1988. Golden Jubilee Empress 1914-1964 Empress Golden Jubilee Committee Empress 1964 With Permission and personal photographs submittd by Paul Chapman Nearby PlacenamesDeer Forks No. 232 Saskatchewan Rural Municipality Empress 13-23-1-W4 Alberta Village Official Estuary 3-23-28-W3 Saskatchewan Hamlet Official Sharrow 35-22-2-W4 Alberta Locality Official |
Gallery | Other submissions by Paul Chapman near Estuary, Saskatchewan, and Empress, Alberta |
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