Locations of the Six Saskatchewan Schools near Empress, AB.jpg
Empress-KITCHENER Empress, AB
EMPRESS SCHOOL DISTRICT 3145 was located at 13, 23, 1 W4 opening June 1914
AINSLEE School District 4274
CHESTERFIELD School District 4050
LANGHOLM School District 3818
MAYFIELD School District 3104
TROSLEY School District 4553
WAINFLEET School District 4561
NOTE KITCHENER SCHOOL DISTRICT 4889 was Located at SW section 2 township 58 range 10 west of the fifth Meridian. Operational August 8, 1941-1947 Former name Stony Mountain.
When closed, the Kitchener school house moved to GREENCOURT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2859 on the 19-58-9-W5 whose former name was WEST PADDLE
KITCHENER School District 569 was the Saskatchewan school of this name located near Kisbey, Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan KITCHENER school was located at SE 26 7 6 W2.
On this map, the KITCHENER school near Empress Alberta, and Estuary, Saskatchewan is KITCHENER SCHOOL DISTRICT 4889, on SW 2 58 10 W5