Normal School.
Regina. Spring 1908.

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.


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Souvenir Normal School Regina Spring 1908.


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The designation "Normal School" takes after the system of École normale supérieure (ENS) ~ teacher training schools ~ A higher education establishment beginning in the North-West Territories as of 1890. On September 1, 1905, Saskatchewan became a province, separating from the North-West Territories. As a side note it was in 1912 that the Northwest Territories dropped the hyphen in its name.

For more information:

2528 Retallack St, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4T, Canada. Canada's Historic Places. Residence Thomas Edwin Perrett, born in Pembroke, Ontario in 1871, Staff of Regina's Normal School in 1904 and Principal in 1906.

Souvenir Normal School, Regina, N.W.T. Spring MCMIV. "Filled with remembrances that lie even at the heart of things. "Editor-In-Chief: J.A. Mackay"- Digitizing sponsor University of Alberta Libraries The CIHM Monograph Collection. Filmed from a copy of the original publication held by the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Regina Normal School~ a History ~ From potential to reality ~ Regina Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan One Room School House Project

The Aurora 1926 Regina Normal School. Published by the Students of the Regina Normal School. Regina Saskatchewan. Digitisation of yearbook by Verna Brenner. Published online Julia Adamson. Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project. Saskatchewan Gen web.

Saskatchewan Normal Schools ~ École normale supérieure, teacher training school ~Saskatchewan One Room School House Project

Lisa G. Henderson will offer to do look up in the two books,
  1. Chances, Challenges, & Cherished Memories: Colleston, Cecil, Birson, Fanford, Steep Creek, Sask Forks, Prince Albert: East Central School District History Committee, 1998 and
  2. Settlers between the mighty Saskatchewans: Stanleyville and Russelville. Prince Albert: Stanleyville-Russelville History Book Committee, 1980.

Information about Prince Albert East Central Schools From The Above Books

Submitter in digital format of the Souvenir Normal School, Regina 1908 is; Lisa Henderson - Author of earlysaskatchewanartinthenews - Saskatchewan art history in old newspapers and on the internet and A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter. J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967)

To cite this website:
Irwin, O.M. Editor in Chief. "Souvenir Normal School. Regina, 1908". The Leader Publishing Company, Limited. Regina, Sask. Digitised by Lisa Henderson. Published by Julia Adamson. Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project. Saskatchewan Gen web. Published Web. Date Accessed .

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Saskatchewan School Districts, teacher training college, Souvenir Normal School Regina 1908, , Saskatchewan one room school house photographs, teacher training college, Ecole normale superieure, teacher training school, student teachers, teacher education, educating teachers, Teaching college, Regina University, Regina College, Saskatchewan historic education, One Room School Districts, One Room Schoolhouses, Old Schools, Heritage Schools, Saskatchewan School Districts Souvenir Normal School Regina 1908, , Saskatchewan one room school house photographs, Ecole normale superieure, teacher training school, student teachers, teacher education, educating teachers, Teaching college, Regina University, Regina College, Saskatchewan historic education, One Room School Districts, One Room Schoolhouses, Old Schools, Heritage Schools, Saskatchewan School Districts Souvenir Normal School Regina 1908,teacher training college , Saskatchewan one room school house photographs, Saskatchewan historic education, Ecole normale superieure, teacher training school, student teachers, teacher education, educating teachers, Teaching college, Regina University, Regina College, One Room School Districts, Ecole normale superieure, teacher training school, student teachers, teacher education, educating teachers, Teaching college, Regina University, Regina College, One Room Schoolhouses, Old Schools, Heritage Schools,teacher training college, Cover , IMAGE BENNETT L.H. , IMAGE HUTCHERSON E.B. , Dedication by O.M. Irvin , Poem. To Normal by M. Warren , IMAGE STEPHANSON A , IMAGE SMYTH C , IMAGE AUSTIN B , IMAGE MACDOUGALL J.A. , IMAGE HUGES I , IMAGE ROGERS W , IMAGE WEST A , IMAGE CHATWIN A , IMAGE RANKIN E.E. , IMAGE IRWIN O.M. , IMAGE LANDON A , IMAGE LIGGETT J.A. , Editorial , Our Normal School , Poem: The Bright Side by Jas Liggett , IMAGE RANKIN E.E. , IMAGE MACDOUGALL A , Essay: Iceland BY Arni Stephanson , IMAGE PERRETT T.E. , IMAGE FENWICK A.M. , The New Commandments by J.A. Taylor and A. Stephanson , Essay: Educational Ideals. By A.N. TAPSCOTT , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 TAYLOR J.A. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 BEYNON F.W. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 MACKENZIE E.I. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 BROCK E , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 WALLS J.A. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 IRWIN O.M. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 LANDON A , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 ROGERS W , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 WEST A.C. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 RANKIN E.E. , IMAGE Literary Society Executive, '08 AUSTIN B , Essay: Educational Ideals. By A.N. TAPSCOTT , Poem: Ode to Saskatchewan by Anna S. Sinclair. , Poem: A Strike. By J. Liggett. , Poem: Toothache. By J. Liggett. , Class History 1908 by Florence Carnduff , Poem: The Water Pipes. By "Gleanor." , The Relation of the Normal School to Inspection. By T.E. Perrett, Principal Regina Normal School , Poem: Home. By Anna MacPherson. , Poem: Grasp the Nettle. By Jas. Liggett. , Essay: Recollections. By A.N. Tapscott. , Essay: Sports. By A. Stephanson. , Normal Hockey Team. By W. Rogers. , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 WALLS F , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 WEST A.C. , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 JOSLYN C.R. , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 ALMOND W , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 MARTIN D , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 PERRETT T.E. , IMAGE: Hockey Club, '08 BEYNON F.W. , Candian Winter Sports. By Arnie Stephanson. , Poem: A Poem No Poet can Pen. By H.A. Parker. , Essay: The Golden Stair. By Miss E.L. Rankin. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 PARKER H.A. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 SMYTH C , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 LIGGETT J.A. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 TAYLOR J.A. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 SIZD E.J. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 AUSTIN E. , IMAGE: Group Leaders, '08 LANDON A. , Poem: Woman's Rights. By J.A. Liggett. , Essay: Twenty Years Hence. By Bessie Austin. , Essay: The Leap Year at Home. By M.O.I. , Essay: Patriotism as Exemplified in the Life of Wm Pitt. By James Liggett. , Essay: Regina ~ An Appreciation. By W.C. Smyth. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 PARKER H.A. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 HUTTON L.H. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 HUTCHISON O.M. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 BEYNON F , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 LANDON A , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 BEYNON A , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 HERMAN F , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 JOYSLYN C , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 DURNIN S , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 MAKENZIE E , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 SPEERS E , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 SINCLAIR A , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 WALLS J.A. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 AUSTIN B , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 WILLISCROFT W , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 WRIGHT L. , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 SMITH H , IMAGE: Glee Club, '08 MILTON S , Poem: To Evening. By E. Whitmore , Essay: A Narrow Escape. By Oscar M. Iriwin[sic] , Poem: Failure. By Mabel Evans. , A Plea for a National System of Education. By Jas Liggett. , The Value of Sewing. By A.C. McDougall. , Marriage A Scheme to Manufacture Happiness. By J. A. Liggett. , He Stooped and Conquered. By Bessie Austin. , Advertisement Purity Laundry Soap , Advertisement Christie's Book Store. , Advertisement The Robert Simpson Company Limited. , Valedictory. By W.C. Smyth. , Biography PARKER Peterboro, ON , Biography HUTCHINSON Orma V Owen Sound , Biography MOODY Ethel May Streetsville, ON , Biography WEST Albert Cook Folly Village, NS , Biography LESLIE Jennie Maud Guelph, ON; Elkhorn, MB , Biography MCDOUGALL John Lorne Nova Scotia , Biography REID Joseph I Mount Forest, ON , Biography JOSLYN Cecil Earle Hartney, MB; Crystal City; Grenfell, SK , Biography STEWART Helena Edith Nova Scotia , Biography HENDERSON E. May Port Hope, ON , Biography PRITCHARD Hilda Glasgow, Scotland; Rossburn, MB; Moosomin, SK , Biography WILSON Violet Lunenburg, NS , Biography HUTTON Laura Durham, ON; , Biography BEYNON Anna Beulah Beulah, MB; Virden , Biography BODKIN Andrew London, ON; Yellow Grass. , Biography MCCLINTON Mabel Pakenham, ON , Biography SMYTHE William Charles Georgian Bay; Owen Sound. , Biography MACKENZIE Elizabeth Isabelle Ripley, ON; Tiveton, Bruce Mines. , Biography MIGHT Martha Jane New Hamburg, ON; Peterborough, Owen Sound , Biography MCCUSKER Mary E Crystal Falls, MI; Prince Albert , Biography PAYNE Mary Bertha Willerton, NB , Biography HOLMES William Albert Cypress River, Mb; Brandon , Biography BEYNON Fred H. Rapid City, Mb; Virden , Biography SMITH Frank Talbot Winnipeg, Carnduff , Biography SPRING William Walter Inverary, Kingston , Biography WHITMORE Ethel Gananoque, ON , Biography SMITH Herb E Cobourg, ON , Biography BROCK Emily M Gravnhurst, Muskoka, ON , Biography TAPSCOTT Arley Nelson Cobourg, ON; Port Hope , Biography CROSS Annie M Caledonia Springs, ON , Biography MCKIM Caroline Elkhorn, MB , Biography DURNIN Sayde Dakotas, USA; Dauphin, MB , Biography ALMOND Walter Wesley Pipestone, MB , Biography MACPHERSON Annie O Glanworth, ON , Biography WILTON Rowland Middelsex County , Biography CARNDUFF Florence May Carnduff, SK; Oxbow , Biography WALLS John Alexander Clifford, ON , Biography CAMERON Ellen McDonald Eastern Canada; Condie, SK , Biography MACKLEM John (Jno. L.) Ringwood, ON; Toronto , Biography TAYLOR John Albert Charlottetown, PEI; MB , Biography LIGGETT James Clogher, County Tyrone, Ireland; Brandon, MB , Biography ROGERS Walter Frankford, ON , Biography RODMAN Cephas T Markdale, ON; Victoria , Biography EVANS Mary Mabel Elkhorn, MB; Brandon , Biography HERMAN John Frederick Bradford, ON; Gravenhurst, Orillia, Moosomin. , Biography AUSTIN Bessie Waterford , Biography KENNEDY Myrtle Ruth Port Phillip, Nova Scotia , Biography GILLIS Ella Fletwode, SK; Whitewood , Biography HUGHES Imogene Collingwood, ON , Biography STEWART Chas Battleford, SK; Lachute, PQ , Biography GERBRANDT Jacob Kansas, USA , Biography CHATWIN Arthur Edgar Regina, SK , Biography MILTON Sevilla I Aberdeen, S.D.; Prince Albert , Biography STEWART Annie Alida Roslin, NS; Oxford , Biography BEARD Genevieve Decorah, Iowa, USA; Dubuc; Prince Albert , Biography SLED Edith Isabel Collingwood, ON , Biography WRIGHT Lilian Carnduff, SK , Biography WILLISCROFT Walter Balmer St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA; Victoria, BC; Moosomin, SK , Biography SPEERS Edna May Hillview, MB; Brandon; Chicago, Ill, USA , Biography SANDFORD Percy Le Roy Weston, N.S.; Truro , Biography LANDON Annie Ninga, MB; Winnipeg , Biography DRYSDALE Stanley Alexander Taylor Neepwa, MB; Kipling, S.D., Caron , Biography MARTIN Davd Alexander Mount Forest, ON , Biography WARREN Mabel I Easton's Corners, ON , Biography BRYCE Katherine Henderson Arcola, SK , Biography BENWELL Ethel Clara Lyons Head, ON; Yorkton, SK , Biography STEPHANSON Arni Selkirk, MB , Biography YOUNG Anna Esther Boissevain, MB; Glenboro; Red Deer, AB , Biography FORBES Ernest Charlottetown, PEI; , Biography IRWIN Oscar Michael Collingwood, ON; Toronto , Biography NARFASON Alice Churchbridge, SK; Yorkton , Biography SINCLAIR Anna Stuart Muskoka; Brandon, MB; , Provincial Normal School , Departmental Information for Teachers , Advertisement The Leader Publishing Co. Limited. , Advertisement Regina Collegiate Institute , Advertisement P. McAra, Jr Lands, Loans , Advertisement New-York Life , Advertisement The Educational Publishing Co., Ltd. , Advertisement Canada Drug and Book Co. Limited. , Advertisement The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, Publishers. , Advertisement W.A. Thomson, M.D., C.M. , Advertisement New York Dental Parlors. , Advertisement W.G.F. Scythes & Co. , Advertisement Western School Supply Co. Ltd. , Advertisement Rossie's Studio , Advertisement The Parry Pictures Co. , Advertisement The City Lunch Counter , Advertisement Canadian Teachers' Agency , Advertisement Engel Bros. Qaulity Shoe Store , Advertisement Federal Business College , Advertisement Hindson Bros. & Co. Semi-Ready Tailoring , Endpiece The Leader Publishing Company, Limited. Regina, Sask. ,