

Pacific railroad was first thought of. People
could even then get into Manitoba through 
Minnesota by rail, but when on the edge of it 
there was nothing more. The railroad promoters,
however, who were identified with the 
Conservative party in the Dominion 
Government, thought it would be a glorious 
thing for the Empire to be able to carry troops
across the continent to the East, in case of 
need, as the United States railroads would not 
be available for such a purpose. It was 
understood by now, too, what hundreds of miles
of splendid land lay awaiting the plough. But 
people were greatly divided as to whether the 
average man or woman could stand a series of 
such terribly cold winters, and whether the risk 
to crops was not too great for any real and 
extensive settlement in the country. 
 British Columbia had pricked up her ears at 
the prospect of a railroad, and joined the 
federation on the strength of a promise that 
it should be constructed. For a poor country, 
as Canada then was, it seemed to many a mad 
undertaking. It meant seven hundred miles 
through a rocky wilderness with costly engin-
eering from Montreal to Winnipeg, and eight 
hundred miles across a prairie barely touched 
by settlement, terminated by a climb over the 
unexplored Alpine ranges of the Rockies. Whence
could the profit 


ever come for such a line? It became for years
the chief subject of political con-
tention at Ottawa, the Conservative Govern-
ment, under Sir John Macdonald, the prime mover
of Federation, being active supporters of it, 
while the Liberal party were oppon-.
ents of, at least, any immediate action. The 
Grand Trunk, which had then run for years 
through the best parts of Canada, had so far 
proved a dead loss. So had the Inter-colonial 
railroad, recently constructed to the Maritime 
provinces. Here were two thousand miles to be 
compassed through a country as yet producing 
almost nothing, and just half of it naturally 
barren. But the idea of its coura-
geous advocates was to carry the people 
by the railroad who would settle on it and
make it a success.  The late Sir John 
Macdonald, with Lords Strathcona and Mountstephen,
were the life and soul of what looked to some a
hopeless enterprise. Their faith was as great as
their energy. The first lived to see it 
successfully doing its work, the last two have 
lived to see it paying handsome dividends; 
and so far from being sufficient to serve 
the prosperity it has created, another great
line is being built parallel to it. There 
were few capitalists in Canada in those days. 
The railroad was built ixtainly with British
and European capital, but the financial 
difficulties and ups 

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1870-1920, The Praire Provinces and The Rise of the
North West, North West, Prairies, prairie provinces,
 Western provinces, Sask Gen Web, Saskatchewan Gen Web



Canada history, Ca, Can, Canada, Canada by A.G. Bradley, 
A.G. Bradley, Canadian History, The Story of the Canadian 
People, Duncan, The Western Canada Series, David Duncan


November, 1911

Canada history, Ca, Can, Canada, Canada by A.G. Bradley, 
A.G. Bradley, Canadian History, The Story of the Canadian 
People, Duncan, The Western Canada Series, David Duncan
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