A. S. Balfour, a pioneer merchant of Lumsden, where he has conducted
a general store during the past quarter of a century, is now sole proprie-
tor of the business carried on under the name of Balfour B?others. He
is a native of Wellington county, Ontario, and a son of William and Agnes
(Martin) Balfour, the former born in Scotland and the latter in Fergus,
Ontario, and their marriage was celebrated in Canada. William Balfour
was successfully engaged in the insurance business at Mount Forest to
the time of his demise, passing away in the faith of the Presbyterian
church, of which both he and his wife were active and helpful members.
He gave his political support to the Conservative party and fraternally
was identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. To Mr. and
Mrs. William Balfour eight children were born, seven of whom survive.
The year 1884 witnessed the arrival of A. S. Balfour in Saskatchewan
and his settlement in the Qu'Appelle valley, seven miles west of Lumsden,
where he homesteaded a tract of land. It was in 1898 that he embarked
in business as a general merchant of Lumsden, in association with a Mr.
Burrows, while two years later the firm became Balfour Brothers. He
is now sole owner of the establishment and is accorded an extensive and
profitable patronage, for he carries a large and well selected line of
goods and enjoys an unassailable reputation for integrity and reliability.
In public affairs, too, Mr. Balfour has taken a prominent part, for he
served for two years as a member of the Lumsden council and for five
years as mayor of the city, his administration being characterized by
many measures of reform and progress. The period of his residence in
Saskatchewan now covers nearly four decades and his labors have con-
stituted a factor in the upbuilding and development of the
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