A prominent barrister and solicitor of Maple Creek is John W. Thomp-
son, a member of the well known firm of Buckles & Thompson. He was
born in Grenfell, Saskatchewan, on the 14th of November, 1886, a son of
William Harvey and Jane (Parker) Thompson, who came to the Grenfell
district in 1884 and the father engaged in farming here until his death.
Mrs. Thompson survives her husband and continues to reside in Grenfell.
In the acquirement of his early education John W. Thompson attended
the public schools of Grenfell and subsequently entered school in Winni-
peg. He was articled in law in 1916 at Grenfell and was admitted to the
Saskatchewan Law Society in January of the following year. He has
been practicing in Maple Creek since the 24th of May, 1918, as a member
of the prominent law firm of Buckles & Thompson, and is enjoying an
extensive and lucrative clientele. Mr. Buckles is located in Swift Cur-
rent and takes care of the firm's business there.
In 1919 Mr. Thompson was married to Miss Olive Humphrey, a native
of Gulf, Ontario. Mr. Thompson has risen rapidly in his profession and
stands today among the foremost members of the bar in the community
and district.
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