A prominent physician and surgeon of Indian Head and mayor of
the town is Dr. Frederick William Hart, who has practiced here since 1905.
He was born in Nova Scotia in 1877, a son of Rev. Thomas D. and Char-
lotte Jane (Dixon) Hart. The father, who descended from Loyalist stock,
was many years active in the ministry of the Methodist church in Nova
Scotia. Mrs. Hart was born in New Brunswick.
In the acquirement of his early education Frederick William Hart
attended the public schools of his birthplace and was graduated B. A. from
Mount Allison College in 1898. His medical training was received at
McGill University, which institution conferred the M. D., C. M. degrees
upon him in 1902. He was made a fellow of the American College of
Surgeons in October, 1922. Dr. Hart engaged in the practice of his pro-
fession in Norton and St. John, New Brunswick, until 1905, in which year
he came to Indian Head, and is on the staff of the Indian Head Hospital.
In London, Ontario, on the 8th of February, 1909, Dr. Hart was mar-
ried to Miss Minnie Louise Hance, and four sons and two daughters have
been born to them. In his political views the Doctor is a Liberal and a
firm believer in the principles of that party as factors in good government.
His fraternal affiliation is with the Masons.
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