A well known physician and surgeon of Rosthern is Dr. Archibald
Blyth Stewart, who was born at Blyth, Ontario, in 1865, a son of Rev.
John S. Stewart, a graduate of Glasgow University, and a native of Scot-
land, who came to Canada at an early day, being the first Presbyterian
minister at Kincardine, Ontario. The mother of Dr. Stewart was Mary
Stewart. Both parents are deceased.
The public schools of Kincardine, Alora, and Wardsville afforded Arch-
ibald Blyth Stewart his early education and later he enrolled in Manitoba
University, from which institution he was graduated with the M. D. and
C. M. degrees. The University of Iowa also conferred the M. D. degree
upon him in 1899. The Doctor took postgraduate work in Toronto and
Montreal and came west to Saskatchewan in 1889. He has since prac-
ticed in this province and maintains offices in Rosthern, where he makes
his home, and also in Duck Lake. In point of years of service he is the
oldest practicing physician and surgeon in this part of the country and
his practice is enormous. He was president of the Northwest Territories
Medical Council in 1895 and represented the government of the North-
west Territories in regard to their immigration work at Toronto and Ot-
tawa in 1895. He aided in the capture of the Indian outlaw, "Almighty
Voice," in 1897 and retains in his possession the rifle used by him. In
fact, the Doctor has many relics of the Riel Rebellion. Although his life
has been active and his pursuits more or less varied, he has remained a
constant student of his profession and has taken special work in medicine
and surgery in Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, and London, England.
He was in Germany just previous to the outbreak of the Great war.
In his political views the Doctor is a Conservative. He unsuccess-
fully contested a seat in the Northwest Territory Assembly in 1898, being
defeated by only eight votes. Fraternally he is identified with the Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters, of which he is past chief ranger, and he is
past master of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. His religious faith
is that of the Presbyterian church but he sees good in all denominations
and gives his assistance to all of them. He is a follower of Sir William
Crookes. Dr. Stewart is unmarried.
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