Unity is proud to number among her adopted sons James M. Scott,
mayor, ex-member of the Legislative Assembly and a member of the
well known firm of Sirrs & Scott, live stock dealers. He was born in
Hastings county, Ontario, on the 28th of October, 1869, a son of James
and Jessie (Geekie) Scott, natives of Scotland who came to Canada with
their respective parents in 1845. The father farmed throughout his
active life in Hastings county and his death occurred in February, 1907,
at the age of seventy-eight years. Mrs. Scott survives her husband and
is making her home in Belleville, Ontario, at the age of eighty-eight years.
The public schools of Hastings county afforded James M. Scott his
early education and he was graduated from the Ontario Business College
in Belleville in due time. He then worked on various farms for several
years and in 1903 came west to Saskatchewan and took up a homestead
in this district and engaged in ranching and farming, and has had farm-
ing interests in this province ever since. Since 1915 he has been in the
live stock business, in association with Mr. Sirrs, under the firm name of
Sirrs & Scott and their trade has reached large proportions. Mr. Scott
is a man of fine business ability and possesses qualities which win for
him confidence and esteem.
In January, 1898, Mr. Scott was married to Miss Ella Turner and
they are the parents of three children: Marjorie, whose birth occurred
on the 7th of November, 1902; Ruby, born on the 16th of September,
1908; and Muriel, born on the 7th of November, 1913. In his political
views Mr. Scott is a Liberal and he has been very active in party affairs.
He was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly in 1912 and served
until 1917. In December, 1922, he was made mayor of Unity and prior
to that he served on the town council for two terms. He is deserving of
high commendation for the faithful administration of his duties as chief
executive. He was one of the organizers of the Unity Agricultural So-
ciety and one of the first directors, and was also president of the society
for a time. Fraternally he is identifled with the Masons and the Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Unity Golf Club,
also the Curling and Baseball Clubs and the Board of Trade. His re-
ligious faith is that of the Methodist church.
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