Anson S. Barker, secretary and manager of the Garden City Feeder Company, is a native of the United States, his birth having occurred in Hillsdale county, Michigan, in, 1858. His parents, Peleg and Sarah (Griswold) Barker, were born near Palmyra, New York, and moved to Michigan in the early '40s, shortly after their marriage. Peleg Barker was an inventor and a manufacturer. He patented the Case machine and sold the patent to J. I. Case in 1869. In the same year he moved to Racine, Wisconsin, having been the manager of the Barker Manufactur- ing Company, makers of threshing machines, in Battle Creek, Michigan, from 1855 to the early '60s. He lived in Racine for about ten years, then moved to Buffalo county, Nebraska, where he bought a farm, on which he and his wife spent the remainder of their lives. The family was affiliated with the Baptist church and the father was a stanch Republican in his political views. Mrs. Barker was a devout Christian woman, whose high ideals of life and character were her chief bequest to her children. On the paternal side of the family Mr. Barker is of English descent, his father's ancestors having immigrated to Grafton, Massachusetts, in 1732. Anson S. Barker, the youngest of the family of ten children born to Peleg and Sarah Barker, was educated in the schools of Racine, Wiscon- son, whither his family moved when he was eleven years old. As a young man he accompanied his father to Nebraska and lived on the farm there for ten years, following which he went back to his native state to run a fruit farm. In 1899 he gave up farming to return to Racine to establish the Barker Feeder Company. Eight years later he moved his factory to Pella, Iowa, where it was consolidated with the Garden City Feeder Company. When the Garden City Feeder Company, Limited, was incor- porated in Canada in 1912, Mr. Barker became its secretary, treasurer and general manager. His concern is the only firm of its kind established on a cash basis. It sells a band cutter and self feeder for threshing machines and does a business that extends all over western Canada. In connection with his business Mr. Barker is a member and president of the Implement Dealers Association of Regina. He devotes all of his time to the affairs of his company, with the gratifying results that have been outlined above. He is an able manager and sagacious business man, well deserving of his high standing in the commercial circles of this city. In 1885 Mr. Barker was married to Miss Ida Hartley of Lima, Ohio. Mrs. Barker was reared in Lima and obtained her education there. Mr. and Mrs. Barker have one son: Leland Hartley Barker, now of Minneap- olis, Minnesota. He is a graduate of the Iowa State College of Agricul- ture and 'Mechanic Arts, where he took a course in civil engineering, and is now sales manager for the Carter Mayhew Manufacturing Com- pany. During the Great war he was a lieutenant in the United States National Army and served abroad eighteen months, with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The Barkers are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and when they were living in the States, Mr. Barker took an active part in church affairs. Bibliography follows:

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