One of the leading members of the medical profession in Regina is Dr. Ephriam E. Kells, who has been engaged in a general medical prac- tice in this city ever since his graduation from the university in 1911. He is a native of Ontario, his birth having occurred in Palmerston in 1886, and he is the youngest of a family of ten children born to Richard and Jane (Speers) Kells. The father was a native of Ireland and came to Canada in early life, where be followed the occupation of a farmer, living always in the province of Ontario. His wife was a native of the province. Richard Kells was a Conservative in his political views and the family was reared in the Anglican faith. As a boy Ephriam E. Kells lived on his father's farm and attended the country schools until he was ready to enter the high school at Har- riston, from which he graduated in the class of 1903. In order to help put himself through the medical course he wished to take, the young man taught school for three years after leaving high school-for six months at Wyandotte and for two and a half years at Holstein. He registered in the Medical College of the University of Toronto in the fall of 1907 and after taking the full four-year course, he received his M. B. degree in 1911. The young physician had decided to locate in western Canada and after looking about he selected Regina as a suitable place for a young man to establish himself and develop with the city. Accordingly, he came to this city shortly after graduating from medical school and be- gan the practice of his profession, in which he has been very successful. He numbers among his patients many of the prominent citizens and en- joys the implicit confidence of hundreds of families he has helped in time of illness. Dr. Kells has always done all in his power to advance the work of his profession and from time to time has spent a vacation in gradu- ate study at some great medical center, where he could come into per- sonal contact with the latest developments in his branch of science, thus keeping thoroughly up-to-date in his methods of diagnosis and treat- ment of diseases. During the Great war he was active in the home service work, serving on different medical boards, being advisory physi- cian to the Pensions Board and serving in other capacities. He is at present coroner and medical representative on the Board of Governors of the General Hospital. In March, 1912, Dr. Kells and Miss Minnie Thair were united in marriage. Mrs. Kells was born and educated in Ontario and was a trained nurse in a Regina hospital when she met Dr. Kells. They have two children, a son and a daughter: Frank and Marjorie, who are at- tending the Regina schools. The family is identified with the Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Kells is a Mason and an Orangeman, which is the extent of his fraternal relations. In college days he took a very active part in athletics, representing his university in the first teams in baseball and association football. One of his diversions now is a farm at Lumsden Beach on Long Lake, which is being converted into one of the model farms of the province, on which there is developing a good Ayrshire herd and dairy. Its management is the source of much pleas- ure to him and a welcome change from the cares and duties of his pro- fessional life. Bibliography follows:

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