Dr. Robert R. Roger, who has been actively engaged in the practice of
medicine and surgery at Regina for the past eleven years, is widely recog-
nized as one of the able and successful representatives of the profession
in Saskatchewan. His birth occurred at St. Mary's, Perth county, Ontario,
on the 12th of November, 1866, his parents being George and Isabella
(Pringle) Roger, the former a native of Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, and the
latter of Oshawa, Ontario. Their marriage was celebrated in the province
of Ontario. Throughout his active business career the father devoted his
attention to general agricultural pursuits, in which he met with a gratify-
ing measure of success. In politics he was a Liberal, while his religious
faith was indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church, in the
work of which both he and his wife took an active and helpful part. Their
family numbered seven children, six of whom survive the parents.
Robert R. Roger, the eldest of the family, supplemented his public
school education by a course in the Collegiate Institute and in Toronto
University, while his professional training was received in the Manitoba
Medical College of Winnipeg, from which he was graduated with the M.
D. degree in 1900. He then located for practice at Russell, Manitoba,
where he continued for.twelve years, except for the period which he spent
in postgraduate work in London, England, in 1905. It was in November,
1912, that he came to Regina, where he has remained to the present time
and has been accorded an extensive. practice, in recognition of his marked
skill and ability along professional lines. In addition to his general prac-
tice he has done considerable maternity work and also surgery. He is
serving on the board of the General Hospital and keeps in close touch
with the most advanced methods and discoveries of the profession through
his membership in the different medical societies.
In 1908 Dr. Roger was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Eleanor Shar-
man, a native of Stratford, Ontario, who was educated in the Manitoba
College of Winnipeg and taught school prior to her marriage. They have
a daughter, Eleanor Isabel, who is in school. They are consistent members
of and active workers in the Westminster Presbyterian church, Dr. Roger
serving on its session. He became one of the charter members of King
Hiram Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and served as noble grand in the Independent
Order Of Odd Fellows, while his name is also on the membership roll of
the Canadian Club. During his college days he was. a devotee of baseball
and the. game still affords him keen enjoyment, but the demands made
upon him in a professional way leave him comparatively little leisure, for
his practice has steadily grown in volume and importance as he has dem-
onstrated his ability to cope with the intricate problems which continually
confront the physician in his efforts to restore health and prolong life.
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