For many years Dr. T. Irwin Robb has successfully practiced dentistry
in Regina. He was born in Bolton, Ontario, in 1883, a son of Robert and
Margaret Jane (Peters) Robb, likewise natives of Ontario, the latter of
Weston, where she was married to Mr. Robb. The paternal grandfather
came to Canada from Ireland and acquired a homestead in Ontario, re-
siding thereon for the remainder of his life. Robert Robb, who has
passed away, engaged in farming in his native province. He was a man
of liberal education and high intellectual attainments and wasinfluential
in the community in which he resided. He was a member of the school
board for many years and was postmaster of Cedar Mills for thirty years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robb eight children were born, four daughters and four
sons, Dr. Robb being the fifth in order of birth. Throughout his life the
father gave his political allegiance to the Conservative party and he was
an Orangeman. He was a consistent attendant at the Methodist church.
Mrs. Robb was a member of the Anglican church until her marriage
and since then has been an active worker in the Methodist church.
T. Irwin Robb received his early education in the public and high
schools of Bolton and after putting his textbooks aside worked for a short
time in a bank. Subsequently he went to Chicago and in 1906 enrolled
in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, graduating from that institu-
tion with the D. D. S. degree in 1909. In that year he came to Regina,
where he has since practiced. Dr. Robb brought to the profession thor-
ough training and innate ability and was successful from the start. In
1920 he took postgraduate work in Minneapolis and Chicago, and he
stands high among the foremost members of his profession in the city
and province. Dr. Robb owns a fine farm near Fort Qu'Appelle.
On the 1st of January, 1913, Dr. Robb was married to Miss Sadie
Elizabeth Bagole, a native of Ottawa, Ontario. Her parents went to
Carnduff, Saskatchewan, when she was a child and she received her edu-
cation in the public and high school there. Dr. and Mrs. Robb have three
sons: George, whose birth occurred on the 1st of June, 1914; Harvey,
born in 1915; and Douglas, born in 1918. The religious faith of the Robb
family is that of the Methodist church, and Dr. Robb has been a Sunday
school worker for years. Fraternally he is identified with the Ancient
Free & Accepted Masons and he is taking the Scottish Rite degrees. He
is likewise affiliated with the Orangemen. In his political views the
Doctor is a Conservative. He is helpfully interested in civic affairs, and
is an active member of the Kiwanis Club and of the Assiniboia Club.
For recreation from his professional duties Dr. Robb turns to outdoor
sports and his hobbies are shooting, hunting and golf.
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