Harry Wilmot Reid is numbered among the native sons of Prince
Albert and is serving as secretary-treasurer of Rural Municipality of
Prince Albert, No.461. His birth occurred on the 5th of February, 1894,
and he is a son of George Samuel and Mary Elizabeth (Markley) Reid,
the former a native of Bowmanville, Ontario, and the latter of Morris-
burg. About 1888 George S. Reid came to Prince Albert and engaged in
farming in this district for a number of years. He was secretary
treasurer of the rural municipality from the time of its organization in
1913 until his death on the 31st of August, 1919, at the age of fifty-seven
years. He was a man highly respected by his fellowmen and contributed
in a large measure to the development and improvement of Prince Albert
and vicinity. His widow survives him and is residing in Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Harry Wilmot Reid pursued his education in the Cecil schools of the
Prince Albert District and after putting his textbooks aside clerked in
the Imperial Bank, Prince Albert, for two years. He then engaged in
farming until 1915, being associated with his brother, and in that year
he put his personal interests aside and enlisted for service in the World
war. In 1916 he was sent overseas and served with the Second Canadian
Mounted Rifles Battalion. In August of that year he was wounded so
severely that it was necessary to amputate his left leg above the knee,
and he was confined to a hospital in England until December of the year
1916. He then started for Canada and upon reaching this country was
sent to Toronto, where he was fitted with an artificial limb and was
honorably discharged on the 31st of May, 1917. Mr. Reid rendered his
country valuable aid and received medals for honourable service. After re-
turning to Prince Albert he served as secretary-treasurer of the new Rural
Municipality of Russia until November, 1918, when he took over the Re
turned Soldiers' Employment Commission which later developed into
the government employment service, of which he was superintendent un-
til September, 1919. In that month he accepted his present position as
secretary-treasurer of the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert, No.461,
and he is satisfactorily discharging the duties of this office. He is a man
of keen insight and innate ability and is a tireless and ambitious worker.
In February, 1919, Mr. Reid was married to Miss Emily Young and
to them one child has been born, Allan Wilmot, who was born on the 12th
of January, 1920. Mr. Reid is a stanch supporter of education and for
one term was a member of the Prince Albert school board. He holds mem-
bership in the Orange Lodge and also in the Great War Veterans Associa-
tion. His religious faith is manifest in his attendance at the Anglican
church, having been a member of its vestry from 1918 to 1922.
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