The Rev. Canon Francis Edward Pratt of Pense, was born in Minster-
ley, Shropshire, England, on the 30th of March, 1867, a son of Philip
Edgar and Clara Pratt, both of whom were of English descent. He at-
tended the public schools in the acquirement of an education and was a
youth of seventeen years when he sailed for Canada, on the 8th of May,
1884. During the first four years of his residence on this side of the At-
lantic he was employed on the Assiniboia farm in the vicinity of Elkhorn,
Manitoba, while from 1888 until 1896 he devoted his attention to agri-
cultural pursuits in the Sunnymead district south of Whitewood. He then
read for holy orders under the preceptorship of the Rev. W. Nicolls and
after spending one year in Medicine Hat was lay reader in charge of
Estevan for a similar period. He was ordained to the deaconate at Qu'Ap-
pelle on Trinity Sunday of 1898 and received his ordination to the priest-
hood in the following year.
Canon Pratt was incumbent of Gainsborough, Saskatchewan, from
1898 until 1906 and rural dean of Souris during the last five years of
that period, while from 1906 until 1913 he served as incumbent of He-
ward. He faithfully discharged the duties of incumbent of Stoughton and
Heward from 1906 until 1913, was rector of Estevan, Saskatchewan, dur-
ing the years 1913 and 1917, and rural dean of Souris from 1913 until
1917. During the four-year period between 1917 and 1921 Canon Pratt
was incumbent and rural dean of Shaunavon. He was made canon of
Qu'Appelle in 1911, rector of Pense in the diocese of Qu'Appelle in 1921,
and also rural dean of Moose Jaw in the latter year.
On the 23d of November, 1899, at Leeds Village, Megantic county,
Quebec, Canon Pratt was united in marriage to Mary Eliza Hume, daugh-
ter of William and Alice McCauley (Jamieson) Hume and great-grand-
daughter of one of the earliest settlers and missionaries in Megantic
county, Quebec. The Rev. Francis E. and Mary Eliza (Hume) Pratt are
the parents of five children: Edward William, who received the degree of
Bachelor of Arts from St. John's College of Winnipeg (1923), and is now
doing mission work at St. Mary's Mission in Northern Ontario; Francis
Hamlet, a bank clerk of Yorkton, Saskatchewan; and Reginald Gordon,
Mary Kathleen and Alice Mabel, all of whom are high school students.
Mrs. Pratt is a member of the woman's auxiliary of the Diocese of Qu'Ap-
pelle and also of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire.
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