The life of John Joseph Griffith Rosser has been one of unusual ac- tivity and he is accounted one of the most substantial and representative citizens of Prince Albert, where he is fur buyer for the Hudson's Bay Company. He has well appointed offices in the Miller block on Central avenue. Mr. Rosser was born in Swansea, South Wales, England, on the 22d of January, 1865, a son of Captain Joseph and Mary Ann (Buse) Rosser, natives of Wales. Joseph Rosser was for many years captain of one of the ships of Henry Bath & Sons, who handled the copper ore trade along the western coast of Chili. For forty-eight years, to be exact, he was in the employ of that company and he was highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him. He was a passionate lover of the sea and a man of great bravery. At one time, while captain of the Braun- stone of London, the ship caught fire and he rescued the entire crew at the risk of his own life. As a tribute to his bravery he was presented with a magnificent gold watch, which is now in the possession of John Joseph Griffith Rosser. Mr. Rosser died in September of the year 1915 and his widow died in July of the following year. John Joseph Griffith Rosser received his education in St. Andrews College, South Wales. When a boy he ran away from home and entered the merchant's service, serving four and one-half years. He then re- turned home and completed his education, in due time graduating from St. Andrew's College. Immediately thereafter he became associated with the Swansea Harbor Trust and so continued until 1884, when he came to Canada and located at Fort Qu'Appelle, having a capital of some twenty five cents. He accepted a position with the Hudson's Bay Company, with which he has been identified for thirty-eight years, and of which he one of the most valued employees. He has been stationed at the following places: Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan; Nut Lake, Saskatchewan; Riding Mountain House, Manitoba; Dauphin, Manitoba; Pine Creek, Manitoba Winnipegosis, Manitoba; Nipigon, Ontario; Cumberland House, Sas- katchewan; The Pas, Manitoba; Prince Albert and Ile a La Crosse, Sas- katchewan. Subsequently he returned to Prince Albert, where he was post manager, a position he occupied at the above mentioned posts. After thirty-six years of continuous service he was pensioned and received a gold medal and clasp. Because of sickness he was granted a leave of absence and upon recovering his health was made fur buyer at Prince Albert. He has always been very successful in handling the Indians and has made every post at which he has been stationed into a highly efficient organization. His services have been invaluable to the company. In November, 1893, Mr. Rosser was married to Miss Martha Robin- son, the ceremony being performed at Dauphin, Manitoba. To their union nine children have been born: Mary, the wife of Cecil Marce of Prince Albert; Jeauneta, the wife of Art Galernean, an engineer on the Canadian Northern Railway; Joseph H., a fireman on the Canadian Northern Railway; William Griffith, Grace, Harold and Vida, living at home; Esther Canoma, who died in 1910 after four months' illness; and Veronica, who died when six months old. Mr. Rosser is a Conservative of the old school. In 1887 he was ap- pointed postmaster of the company and for some time was active as justice of the peace. He is a charter member of the Independent Order of Foresters, is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and Freeman of the Borough of Swansea, Wales. During his boyhood days Mr. Rosser was a Rugby player and he maintains. an active interest in that sport. His hobby is poultry and he raises silver laced Wyandottes and white Leghorns. He has entered his chickens in many poultry shows and sev- eral times they have carried off honors. Mr. Rosser is a consistent com- municant of the Catholic church. He has recently purchased a beautiful home in Prince Albert and here his many friends find unlimited hos- pitality. Bibliography follows:

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