John Q. Brandon, insurance and real estate man, has been a dominant
factor in the growth and development of Humboldt, having come to
this city when it was scarcely a town. He was born in Napanee, On-
tario, on the 28th of December, 1881, a son of William and Jane (Quigley)
Brandon. For many years the father engaged in the cattle business in
Ontario and achieved widespread recognition in that connection.
Brandon is still living but he has passed away.
The public schools of the province of Ontario afforded John Q. Brandon
his early education and in 1901 he came to Saskatchewan and located
in Yorkton, where he remained from 1901 to 1906 and during that time
was in the Dominion land office. He was transferred to Humboldt in
the fall of 1906, serving in the Dominion land office here until the spring
of 1907, when he entered the insurance and real estate business on his
own account. He is a man of great business ability and no man in the
district and province is more thoroughly informed on land values. He
employs the highest principles in the conduct of his business affairs and
is very successful. Mr. Brandon has always been actively interested in
the growth and development of Humboldt and he was one of the organ-
izers of the first section of the local Board of Trade.
In 1912 Mr. Brandon was married to Miss Lotta Robinson and to their
union three children have been born: John, Martha Jane and William
Fraternally Mr. Brandon is identified with the Masons and he also holds
membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Canadian
Order of Foresters. He has always been fully cognizant of the duties
and responsibilities as well as the privileges of good citizenship and
Humboldt is proud to have him for a citizen.
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