An enterprising business man of Melville is William B. Moore, a mem-
ber of the drug firm of Combe & Moore and the pioneer druggist in this
community. He was born on the 9th of April, 1888, at Souris, Manitoba,
a son of Stuart and Martha (Piercy) Moore, the former a native of Nova
Scotia, and the latter of Ontario. His parents are now living in Melville
and are highly respected and esteemed citizens of this community.
In the acquirement of his education William B. Moore attended the
public schools of Souris and Regina and in 1909 came to Melville and
became associated in the drug business with the late Robert Combe, V. C.,
who met his death while in active service during the Great war. His
widow still maintains an interest in the business, however, which is oper-
ated under the name of Combe & Moore. Mr. Moore is the pioneer drug-
gist of Melville and enjoys well-merited success. He has always employed
the best principles of honesty and integrity in the conduct of his business
affairs and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him.
In 1915 Mr. Moore was married to Miss L. E. Boyd of Montreal, and
to them two daughters have been born: Margaret and Jean. Fraternally
Mr. Moore is identified with the Masons, being master of the local lodge;
and is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He is essentially pub-
lic-spirited and maintains an active interest in civic affairs. He is a
trustee of the Melville public schools, and along the lines of his profession
he holds membership in the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association,
of which he is vice president. For recreation Mr. Moore turns to outdoor
sports and he is an enthusiastic curler and golfer.
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