Burd S. McNiece, Saskatchewan manager for the Standard Trust Com-
pany with headquarters in Saskatoon, is prominent in the business circles
of this district. He was born on his father's farm near Durham, Grey
county, Ontario, on the 8th of June, 1889, a son of Thomas and Jean
(Grierson) McNiece, natives of that province. The father has engaged
in farming in Grey district throughout practically his active life and he
is now living retired on the home place, and is enjoying the best of health
at the age of sixty-eight years. Mrs. McNiece is also living, and they are
highly respected and esteemed citizens.
In the pursuit of his education Burd S. McNiece attended the rural
schools in the vicinity of the home farm and later entered the town
schools in Durham. He was a student in a business college at Mount
Forest, Ontario, and then went to Fort William, where for four years he
was connected with the Canadian Pacific Railroad in the grain depart-
ment. In 1911 he came to Saskatoon and became an employe of the
Standard Trust Company. He started in a minor capacity and slowly
but deliberately worked his way through the various departments until
he accepted his present position. In 1917 he was appointed manager of
the Alberta office of the company at Edmonton and remained there until
1920, when he was transferred to Saskatoon, being placed in charge of the
company's business in Saskatchewan. Mr. McNiece is entitled to the suc-
cess he has won, for it is the result of his own intelligently directed efforts
and laudable ambition. The best principles of honesty and integrity gov-
&n him in all transactions and his work deserves high commendation.
Although he devotes the greater part of his time to his work with the
trust company, he is interested in farming and has extensive land inter-
ests in this district.
In June, 1916, Mr. McNiece was married to Miss Violet Mary Scur-
field, a daughter of Ralph and Margaret J. (Milburn) Scurfield, natives
of England. Her parents were married in that country and came to Can-
ada immediately afterward, locating at Pilot Mound, Manitoba. The
father was a veterinary surgeon of prominence and practiced in Pilot
Mound until his death in the year 1905. Mrs. Scurfield survives her hus-
band. Mrs. McNiece was born in Pilot Mound in September, 1896. Mr.
and Mrs. McNiece have two children: Margaret Jean, whose birth oc-
curred on the 2d of September, 1918; and Dorothy Isabelle, horn on the
26th of July, 1920.
The political allegiance of Mr. McNiece is given to the Liberal party
and he takes an active interest in party affairs, although he has never
sought nor desired office. His religious faith is that of the Baptist church.
Mr. McNiece is an active member of the local Kiwanis Club and of the
Chamber of Commerce. No movement for the development and improve-
ment of the community at large seeks his aid in vain He is a member of
the Saskatoon Golf Club, Saskatoon Curling Club, Saskatoon Club, and
Saskatoon Motor Club. For recreation from his business Mr. McNiece
turns to sports and he is particularly fond of curling and golfing. He is
a man of genial and pleasing personality and his friends are legion.
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