David Magnus Balfour, who has for the past twelve years been a
prominent representative of financial interests in Saskatchewan, is a
partner in the firm of Nay & James of Regina, which is one of the oldest
and strongest banking concerns in the province. His birth occurred at
Mount Forest, Ontario, in 1873, his parents being William and Agnes
(Martin) Balfour, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Fer-
gus, Ontario.
In the acquirement of an education David Magnus Balfour attended
the public and high schools of Mount Forest, where he spent the first
twenty-seven years of his life. It was in 1900 that he made his way
westward to Saskatchewan, locating at Lumsden, where he devoted his
attention to mercantile interests and also to the grain trade for eleven
years. On the expiration of that period-in 1911-he took up his abode
in Regina, where he has remained continuously since and has been asso-
ciated with the firm of Nay & James, investment bankers.
In 1904 Mr. Balfour was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Addison
Halsted, who since becoming a resident of Regina has been prominent in
church and women's work. She has been actively interested in the work
of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire since 1911, served
as treasurer of the provincial chapter in 1919, and for the past four years
has been president of the provincial chapter and a member of the national
chapter, of which she is a vice president. Mrs. Balfour is a member of
the executive of several other provincial organizations, including the
Canadian Red Cross, the Girl Guides, the Canadian National Institute for
the Blind, and is also on the Dominion General Committee of the League
of Nations Society in Canada. She served as president of the Women's
Guild of Westminster Presbyterian church for some years and is now at
the head of its Women's Missionary Society. In the promotion of intel-
lectual, social and moral progress her efforts have been far~reaching and
Mr. Balfour is widely recognized as one of the most public-spirited
citizens of Regina, his influence ever being on the side of right, reform
and progress. Since the organization of Westminster Presbyterian church
in 1912 he has served on its board of managers, is also a member of the
session and is otherwise prominently identified with the work of this con-
gregation. Throughout the past decade he has taken a keen interest in
the activities of the Board of Trade, of which he was chosen president in
1919. The same year he acted as vice president of the Young Men's Chris-
tian Association. During the Great war he was a member of the Do-
minion Executive Canada's Victory Loans, served as vice-chairman of
the Saskatchewan Executive in the 1917 and 1918 campaigns and in the
campaign of 1919 discharged the duties of provincial chairman. He was
president of the Canadian Club of Regina in 1921 and 1922, and during
the year 1922-23 was vice president for Saskatchewan of the Association of
Canadian Clubs. At the present time he is vice president of the Federal
Liberal Association of Regina, a member of the board of governors of
Regina College and is also a member of the National Council of Education.
He is a member of the Assiniboia Club and the Wascana Country Club,
while fraternally he is identified with the Ancient Order of United Work-
men, the Sons of Scotland and with Banner Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Strong
in his individuality, he never lacks the courage of his convictions, but
there are as dominating elements in this individuality a lively human
sympathy and an abiding charity which, taken in connection with his sterl-
ing integrity and honor, have naturally gained for him the respect and
confidence of men.
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