Louis T. McKim, barrister and solicitor of Melville, Saskatchewan, is
a representative member of his profession in this district. He was born
in Napanee county, Ontario, on the 19th of July, 1879, a son of Walter P.
and Harriet L. (Thompson) McKim, likewise natives of that province.
For many years the father was engaged in the furniture business at
Deloraine, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. McKim are now making their home
in Vancouver, British Columbia.
In the acquirement of his education Louis T. McKim attended the
public schools at Deloraine, Manitoba, and subsequently enrolled in the
University of Manitoba, from which institution he was graduated with
the A. B. degree, taking the silver medal in the general course. He grad-
uated in law in Winnipeg in 1908 and in 1909 he came to Melville and has
since resided here. He has built up an extensive and important private
practice and stands high among the foremost members of the profession
in the district. He is at present solicitor of the town of Melville and of
several other large corporations. He has served as Bencher for the Law
Society of Saskatchewan since 1919.
In 1910 Mr. McKim was married to Miss Bessie May Thomas, who
is a native of Manitoba. To them two children have been born: Mary
and Bettie. Since attaining his majority Mr. McKim has maintained
an independent course in politics. He is a member of the Union
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