The medical profession of Biggar finds a worthy representative in Dr. Robert John Gardiner, who has practiced here since the close of the World war. He was born in Newboyne, Ontario, on the 21st of Decem- ber, 1880, a son of Michael and Elizabeth (Cawley) Gardiner, natives of Ireland. His parents came to Canada when children, with their parents, and after reaching man's estate the father engaged in the mercantile business. He operated a store in Smith Falls, Ontario, for the greater part of his life and was one of the highly esteemed and respected citizens of the community. Mr. Gardiner died in April, 1905, and is survived by his widow, who continues to live in Smith Falls. The public schools of Smith Falls afforded Robert John Gardiner his preliminary education and after graduating from high school he en- rolled in McGill University at Montreal, from which institution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1902. He then went to England and for the next two years was on the staff of various hospitals in London. Returning to Canada he located in Toronto and practiced there four years. During that time his health was impaired and he withdrew from practice for one year. Regaining his health, he removed to Craig- mount, Ontario, and there practiced for three years. In 1912 he located in Saskatoon and was practicing there upon the outbreak of the Great war. He enlisted in the army, and went overseas as medical officer of the Thirty-second Battalion in 1915 and was subsequently, in the month of April that year, transferred to the Second Battalion, First Canadian Division. He served with that division throughout the war as medical officer, being connected with the Second Battalion, the Fifteenth Bat- talion, Fifth Battalion, Sixteenth Battalion, First Canadian Field Am- bulance Corps and Second Canadian Field Ambulance Corps, which he commanded as lieutenant colonel. He was wounded on the 12th of April, 1917, and shortly afterward was awarded the Military Cross. On the 14th of June, 1919, he received his honorable discharge, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, on active strength of the Canadian Army Medical Corps. At the close of the war he came to Biggar, opened offices for the practice of his chosen profession, and has become one of the most promi- nent and skilled physicians and surgeons of the community, district and province. On the 4th of December, 1914, Dr. Gardiner was married to Miss Elizabeth Phillips. They are consistent members of the Church of Eng- land and are prominent socially. The Doctor is a Conservative in his political views and fraternally is identified with the Masons. Along strictly professional lines he holds membership in the Canadian, Sas- katchewan and British Medical Associations and he is a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and a member of the Royal College of Sur- geons. Bibliography follows:

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