Robert Martin is a pioneer druggist of Regina and one of her most estimable citizens. He was born in Mount Forest, on the 14th of Janu- ary, 1858, a son of John and Jean (Monroe) Martin, both natives of Scotland, who came to Canada and located in the province of Ontario in the early part of the year 1900. The father successfully conducted a mill- ing business. He was always a stanch supporter of the Liberal party, served on the council and was warden of the county. His religious faith was that of the Presbyterian church. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin ten chil- dren were born, five of whom are living: Robert Martin, whose name introduces this review, being the second in order of birth. In the pursuit of his education Robert Martin attended the district schools and in early life became interested in the drug business. He clerked in a local pharmacy for a number of years and in 1876 was graduated in pharmacy. In 1882 he came to Regina, but remained only a short time. In 1883, however, he returned to stay. He worked in a drug store here until 1888, when he determined to go into business for himself and pur- chased a store. He has an extensive and representative trade, carries a large and varied stock and conducts his business on the highest and most honorable principles. In 1883 Mr. Martin was united in marriage to Miss Helen McNeish, a native of Ontario, and to them three children have been born: John Cameron, the oldest member of the family, is an attorney, practicing in Weyburn; Martha Robena is living at home; William Wilson is also an attorney. William Wilson Martin is a veteran. of the World war, having spent four years in active service overseas with the Thirty-eighth Battery, serving with the rank of sergeant. Although the greater part of Mr. Martin's time and attention has been devoted to his business interests, he has always taken an interest in civic affairs and he served on the city council for some sixteen years. He was elected mayor of Regina in 1894 and again in 1913 and 1914 and during his administrations he inaugurated and brought to comple- tion many movements for the benefit of the community. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a consistent member of the Knox Presbyterian church, of which he has been a member of the session for thirty-three years and for fifteen years was superintendent of the Sunday school. He was also leader of the choir for some time. Fraternally Mr. Martin is identified with the Canadian Order of For- esters and socially holds membership in the Regina Golf Club. Golfing is his hobby. Mr. Martin made his initial appearance in Regina with an ox~ team, having traveled thus from Broadview. During the interven- ing years he has witnessed the steady growth of the metropolis and has been a dominant factor in its continued development and improvement. Bibliography follows:

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