Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the enter-
prising city of Saskatoon than George DeWolf Archibald, who has been
city engineer since May, 1914. He was born in Truro, Nova Scotia, on
the 28th of August, 1884, a son of John Samuel and Rachel (DeWolf)Archibald.
In the pursuit of his education George DeWolf Archibald attended the
public schools of his birthplace and the Windsor Academy. Subsequently
he enrolled in King's University at Windsor, Nova Scotia, taking the
science course. He was connected with the Nova Scotia Steel Works and
the Dominion Iron & Steel Works as rodman, draughtsman, etc., from
1901 to 1905, and from 1906 to 1912 was connected with the Grand Trunk
Pacific and the Canadian Northern Railroads as transit man, and assistant
engineer of location, construction and maintenance. In 1913 he was en-
gaged in contracting and in May, 1914, was appointed city engineer of
Saskatoon, which position he has since held. Mr. Archibald stands high
in his profession and he is esteemed and respected for the manner in
which he performs the duties of his position. In 1909 he became an as-
sociate member of the Canadian Institution of Civil Engineers.
In Winnipeg, in April, 1911, Mr. Archibald was married to Miss Jane
MacKenzie, a daughter of William MacKenzie of Bedford, Nova Scotia.
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald have one child: Donald MacKenzie. Mrs. Archi-
bald is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the
club and social circles of Saskatoon.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Archibald has given his political
allegiance to the Conservative party and he is a firm believer in the prin-
ciples of that party as factors in good government. He is public-spirited
and is well informed on all important questions and issues of the day, and
supports those interests which are calculated to benefit his home city.
The religious faith of Mr. Archibald is that of the Protestant church
and he is a zealous worker in its behalf. He is an active member of the
Rotary Club, the Canadian Club, the Saskatoon Club and the Riverside
Country Club.
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