Dr. Ronald Macdonald specializes in surgery and has a gratifying practice in Saskatoon, as junior member of the firm of Munroe & Mac- donald. He was born in Prince Edward Island, in October, 1886, a son of Donald and Mary (Thornton) Macdonald, natives of Prince Edward Island. The maternal grandfather was Speaker of the House for some time. Donald Macdonald engaged in farming in Prince Edward Island for the greater part of his life and won a comfortable competence as an agriculturist. His death occurred in March, 1920. Mrs. Macdonald sur- vives her husband and continues to reside in Prince Edward Island. In the pursuit of his education Ronald H. Macdonald attended the public schools of Prince Edward Island and upon graduation from high school enrolled in St. Dunstan's College at Charlottetown. Subsequently he became a student at McGill University, from which institution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1908. He then went to the United States and did hospital work in New York and took postgraduate work until 1913. In that year he came to Saskatoon and was engaged in prac- tice when the Great war broke out. Dr. Macdonald was quick to put all personal interests aside and enlist in the service of his country, going overseas as captain in August of the year 1914. He saw active service in most of the strategic battles of the war and was made a companion of the Distinguished Service Order and received the M. C. He was twice men- tioned in dispatches. Dr. Macdonald received his honorable discharge in July, 1919, and returned to Canada with the rank of colonel. He imme diately went to Saskatoon and formed a partnership for the practice of his profession, with Dr. H. E. Munroe, under the style of Munroe & Mac- donald. That association has since been maintained and they have an extensive and lucrative practice. Dr. Macdonald specializes in surgery, in which he has won distinction. Extended mention of Dr. Munroe is made on another page of this work. Dr. Macdonald is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and he holds membership in the Canadian and Saskatchewan Medical Asso- ciations and the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine. His political views are independent and he gives his support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party principles. His religious faith is that of the Catholic church and he is an active member of the Knights of Columbus. Socially he is connected with the Saskatoon Club, the Canad- ian Club, the Riverside Country Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. Dr. Macdonald is accounted one of the energetic, prosperous and capable young physicians and surgeons of the town, a stanch supporter of all worthy and beneficial movements, and a general favorite among those with whom he associates. He is unmarried. Bibliography follows:

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