Dr. William Wallace Irwin, dean of the dental profession in Moose
Jaw, has been practicing in this city ever since he completed his prof~
sional education in 1905. He was born in Kincardine, Bruce county, On-
tario, in 1882, a son of John William and Lizzie (Barr) Irwin, the former
a native of County Cavan, Ireland, and the latter of Glasgow, Scotland.
Stanch Presbyterians in their religious faith, they took an active part in
the work of that church for years. Politically John William Irwin voted
with the Liberal party and for years held the office of school trustee on
the Clinton, Ontario, local hoard.
William Wallace Irwin attended the public and high schools in Clinton
following which he took a commercial course in a local business college
to prepare himself to go into his father's business. He worked in
father's store for a short time, during which he became convinced that
his talents did not lie along commercial lines. In 1902 the young man
left the grocery and crockery business to go to Chicago, Illinois, to enter
the Dental College of Northwestern University, from which he was grad-
uated three years later. He opened an office in Moose Jaw not long after
he had obtained his diploma from Northwestern and has been engaged
in active practice in this city ever since, being the oldest dentist in Moose
Jaw, in point of the number of years he has been practicing here.
Dr. Irwin was married in 1908 to Dora E. McPherson, a native of Sagi-
naw, Michigan, and a graduate trained nurse. Dr. Irwin has been a
member of the Council of Saskatchewan College of Dental Surgeons for
twelve years, and was president for a part of that time. He is president
of the Moose Jaw Golf Club and the Prairie Club, and has held the golf
championship and was the first president of the local dental society. He
is a Mason and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine.
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