Although Dr. Roy Ollen Hodgson has been in Saskatoon but a short
time he has built up a gratifying practice and is readily conceded a
place among the foremost eye, ear, nose and throat specialists in the city
and district. He was born in Whalen, Ontario, on the 28th of April,
1888, a son of William and Elizabeth (Brooks) Hodgson, natives of York-
shire, England. Both parents came to Canada with their parents when
children and they were reared and educated in Ontario. Mrs. Hodgson
came to this country about 1848, while her husband arrived in Canada
about 1834. For many years Mr. Hodgson engaged in farming in On-
tario and achieved well-merited success. His death occurred on the 2d of
August, 1900, at the age of seventy-one years. Mrs. Hodgson survives
her husband and is making her home in Exeter, Ontario.
In the pursuit of his education Roy Ollen Hodgson attended the public
school of his birthplace and was graduated from the high school at St.
Mary's. Subsequently he enrolled in the University of Toronto and was
graduated from that institution with the M. D. degree in May, 1911.
He commenced the practice of his chosen profession in Edgerton, Al-
berta, where he remained for one year and then removed to Tessier,
Saskatchewan, where he practiced until the spring of 1921. At that
time he went to London, England, and for nine months took postgradu-
ate work in the leading hospitals and universities there, and
also took postgraduate work in Vienna for four months. On the 1st of March,
1923, he came to Saskatoon, opened offices for the practice of his pro-
fession and since that time has devoted his time and attention to diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and has become widely known as aspecialist.
On the 23d of June, 1913, Dr. Hodgson was married to Miss Myrtle
Walden Murray. She is a woman of culture and refinement and Is
prominent in the club and social circles of Saskatoon, where she has
many friends. Dr. Hodgson follows an independent course in politics,
giving his support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office with
out regard to party principles. He has never sought nor desired political
preferment but he is ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities
good citizenship and he contributes his full share of influence to the fur-
therance of projects for the benefit of Saskatoon. His religious faith
that of the Methodist church. Fraternally the Doctor is identified with
the Masons and he is past master of the craft. Along strictly profes-
sional lines he holds membership in the Saskatchewan Medical Associa-
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