William M. Houston, managing director of the Regina Brokerage
Investment Company, Limited, with offices in the Masonic Temple build-
ing, is a native of Ontario, his birth having occurred in Cornwall, on
the 1st of August, 1889. His father, the late J. D. Houston, was born
in Ontario and died in Winnipeg in 1920, where he had been for some
years engaged in business as a contractor. He was a Mason, an Anglican
in his religious affiliations and held independent views in politics. His
family was Scotch in origin, and his people were among the early farmers
of Ontario. His widow, who was Miss Annie Louisa McLean before her
marriage, now resides in Lancaster, Ontario. She is a member of the
Presbyterian church. William M. Houston was the third in a family of
five children, two of whom are deceased. He obtained his education in
the public schools of Lancaster and the high school at Williamstown,
In 1906, at the age of seventeen, Mr. Houston went to Winnipeg as
an employe of the Bell Telephone Company. The latter part of the eleven
years he lived there he was purchasing agent for the Government tele-
phone commission. When in 1917 he came to Regina it was to engage
in business as a telephone contractor, a line of activity that he success-
fully pursued for several years. In 1921 he was made managing director
of the Regina Brokerage & Investment Company, Limited~his present
office. His firm is an investment banking company, handling bonds and
fire insurance.
Mr. Houston and Miss Elsie Howe were united in marriage in 1914.
Mrs. Houston was born in Winnipeg, where she was educated and lived
prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Houston are numbered among the
most loyal members of the Westminster Presbyterian church, where Mr.
Houston has acted as chairman of the board of managers and of the
board's finance committee, while his wife has been a leader in the women's
societies of the church. He belongs to the Regina Board of Trade and
has served as chairman of its Civic Improvement committee for the past
three years. His membership in the Assiniboia, Wascana Country and
Regina Tennis Clubs reveals the trend of his interests outside of his busi-
ness relations, and he is also a Mason. Mr. Houston is a purposeful
young man whose attainments have been the result of intelligently direct-
ed effort, rather than of outside influence or inherited wealth. He is
still a young man who can look forward to a long career, which, judged
by the beginning he has already made, should be a markedly successful
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