Edward Leopold Hopkins is editor and proprietor of the Star City Echo, and also proprietor of a stationery and book store. He was born in Milton, Hampshire, South England, in March, 1867, a son of William and Emily Julia (Peckham) Hopkins, the former a native of Beckley, Eng- land, and the latter of Milton, England. The father conducted a mercan- tile business in England throughout his life and was a prominent and highly esteemed citizen of the community in which he resided. His death occurred in February, 1901. Mrs. Hopkins is making her home in Hast- ings, England. Edward Leopold Hopkins received his education in the Christ Church school near Milton and subsequently learned the printer's trade in an office at Bournemouth. He followed his trade there for some time and then went to London, where he was thus engaged eight years. He went into the printing business for himself in Bournemouth in 1895, thus con- tinuing until 1911, when for two years he was secretary-treasurer of a printing company there. In 1913 he came to Canada and located at Prince Albert, conducting a job printing office until 1918, when he moved his plant to Star City and started the Star City Echo. He has a modern and splendidly equipped plant here and the paper has a circulation of five hun- dred. Mr. Hopkins does job printing for the surrounding territory. In 1920 the building which he occupied burned and he was compelled to pur- chase another one at once, so that his newspaper interests might continue practically uninterrupted. In October, 1904, Mr. Hopkins was married to Miss Jemima Wood Stanton and they have one child: Roma Edith Muriel, whose birth oc- curred in November, 1909. In his political views Mr. Hopkins is a Liberal and his religious faith is that of the Baptist church, but he affiliates with the United church and was for some time one of the managers of the church. He holds membership in the Baptist church at Prince Albert. He has always been a zealous church worker and in the old country served as superintendent of the Sunday school for fifteen years and twenty- eight years in the Sunday School Union. Bibliography follows:

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