John R. Garden, real estate man and financial broker, and one of the
foremost business men in Wolseley, was born in London, England, on
the 27th of November, 1876. In 1896 he came to Canada and homestead-
ed north of Wolseley. He has since resided in this district and has been
a dominant factor in its development and improvement. He engaged in
farming until 1906, when he entered real estate circles and enjoys an
extensive and important patronage. He is thoroughly versed in land
values throughout the province, and is also a financial broker.
Mr. Garden was married to Miss Sarah Taylor, a native of Ontario,
and to their union three children have been born: Two daughters and
one son. Fraternally Mr. Garden is identified with the Independent Or-
der of Odd Fellows. He is essentially public~spirited and gives gener-
ously of his time in the furtherance of any movement for the greater
development of Wolseley.
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