Among the substantial citizens of Saskatoon is Loyde D. Peterkin, who is a partner in the conduct of the Saskatoon Cartage & Warehouse Company. lie was born in Arthur, Ontario, on the 26th of April, 1889, a son of William and Jemima (Ballantine) Peterkin, the former a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the latter of Ontario. Mr. Peterkin was a carpenter by trade, having learned that trade in the old country and he followed it for some years after taking up residence in Canada. He was but a boy when he came here. Subsequently he went into the mercantile business, handling a general line, and later he engaged in insurance and in the conveyance business at Arthur, Ontario. He lived in Arthur for sixty years and during that time endeared himself to all who knew him. His death occurred in the month of February, 1922. Mrs. Peterkin died in June, 1889. In the pursuit of his education Loyde D. Peterkin attended the public schools of Arthur and was graduated from high school in due time. He then secured a position in the Old Traders Bank at Arthur, with which institution he served six years, when it was amalgamated with the Royal Bank. Mr. Peterkin remained with the bank that grew from that con- solidation three years and subsequently became teller of the bank at Port Hope. In 1912 he was made accountant of the bank at Saskatoon and held that position until the year 1916, when he tendered his resignation. He then accepted a position with the Quaker Oats Company, having charge of the elevator department, and he was active in that capacity until he went into partnership with James 0. MacCallum, who organized the Saskatoon Cartage & Warehouse Company. Mr. Peterkin has been a dominant factor in the continued success of this enterprise, which has grown by leaps and bounds. The firm employs forty persons, and op- erates twenty-one teams and two motor trucks. It owns its warehouse, which is a fine substantial building, covering thirty-two thousand square feet. The company handles freight for the Canadian Northern Railroad and the Canadian Pacific Railroad and Mr. MacCallum and Mr. Peterkin operate a subsidiary company, which is known as the Union Baggage Transfer Company. On the 26th of of April, 1916, Mr. Peterkin was married to Miss Mae Mutch of Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Island. They are the parents of one child: Jean Audrey, whose birth occurred on the 27th of Novem- ber, 1917. Fraternally Mr. Peterkin is identified with the Masons and he holds membership in Imperial Lodge, No.60. He is an active mem- ber of the local Rotary Club and is a consistent attendant at the Presby' terian church. He has always given his political allegiance to the Liberal party and although he maintains an active interest in party affairs has never sought nor desired political preferment. Bibliography follows:

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