Thomas Osborne Davis, deceased, was for many years influential
political circles and was a most beloved citizen of Prince Albert.
was born in Sherrington, Quebec, on the 16th of August, 1856, a son
Anne and Samuel Davis, M. A. (Dublin).
Thomas Osborne Davis received his education in privatee schools.
entered public life in young manhood and served as councillor and mayor
of Prince Albert, 1894-1895. He also served as chairman of the sch
board and president of the Bo~Lrd of Trade. In 1896 he was elected
the House of Commons for Saskatchewan and was re-elected in 1900.
was appointed Liberal whip for the west in 1901 and was summoned
the Senate on the 30th of September, 1904. Mr. Davis won prominence as
a legislator, for he had the interests of the people he represented ever at
heart and inaugurated and saw completed many projects for their benefit.
In 1885 Mr. Davis was married to Miss Rebecca Bond Jennings of
Princee Edward Island and to them five sons and three daughters were
born, one of them being T. C. Davis, extended mention of whom is made
on another page of this work. Throughout his life Thomas Osborne
Davis was a stanch Liberal and socially he was identified with the Prince
Albert Club of Prince Albert.
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