More than a score of years have come and gone since Colonel Norman S. Edgar arrived in Regina. The city was then in its infancy and throughout the intervening period he has been a factor in the advancement of the business interests upon which the growth and prosperity of this region depend. As a soldier of distinction he is also widely known and his life history cannot fail to prove of interest to his many friends in Saskatchewan. Born at Chatham, New Brunswick, on the 5th of Fe~ ruary, 1878, he is the son and eighth child in the family of nine born to James and Isabella (McKnight) Edgar. On his father's side of the house he is descended from Scotch great-grandparents, but he belongs to the third generation of the Edgar family to be born in New Brunswick. James Edgar was left an orphan at an early age, with younger brothers and sis- ters dependent upon him. Young as he was he manfully shouldered the task of bringing up the six younger ones in his family and in due time saw that they were all educated and prepared to fill a useful and honor- able place in life. He was a well read man with broad interests and took an especially keen interest in Liberal politics. A stanch Presbyterian, he was one of the most active members of St. Andrew's church of Chatham and its ruling elder for forty years. His business, for much of his mature life, was managing the affairs of the W. S. Loggie Company, fish packers. Mrs. Edgar, also, was born in New Brunswick, and like her husband lived there all of her life. Norman S. Edgar was educated in the Chatham high school and the Fredericton Normal School, following which he taught school for a time in Chatham and Newcastle. In 1895 he became associated with the firm of G. A. Lounsbury & Company, dealers in farm machinery, wagons and equipment, with whom he remained for four years. He came west to Calgary in 1900, where he had some real plains experiences 'punching" cows, but shortly located in Lacombe, Alberta, where he worked for the Lacombe Cooperative Association as an accountant, from 1900 to 1902. It was in the latter year that he came to Regina and became provincial manager for the Mason & Risch Piano Company. He retained this posi- tion for ten years, after which he began managing his large farm in the Goose Lake district-his occupation at the outbreak of the Great war. Since the war he has resumed his connection with the piano concern and now is manager for the Mason & Risch Piano Company for the territory of southern Saskatchewan. While he was still living in the east, in 1894, Colonel Edgar belonged to the Canadian Militia. When the Sixteenth Light Horse was established he joined this troop, reentering the military service in 1907 as a lieutenant. He had been promoted to the rank of major when he went overseas in 1914, with the First Division, Second Brigade, Fifth Western Cavalry. To Colonel Edgar was accorded the distinction of being the first Canadian officer to reach France. Leaving England on the 10th of November, 1914, for the western front, he fought with the Belgian and French troops in those early months of the war, taking part in the battles of Nieuport and Nieuport Bains, with the.Fourteenth Battalion, French Infantry. The Fifth Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Forces, in which Colonel Edgar served, received more honors for gallant fighting than any other Canadian regiment and probably as much as any of the brave British regiments. At Festubert, the little village in northeast France that has gone down in history as the scene of a heroic stand against the enemy attacks, made by the Canadian troops in 1915, Colonel Edgar was seriously wounded. The next three months following May 24, 1915, he spent in a military hospital, where the surgeons removed from his body nineteen pieces of shells, bul- lets and shrapnel. When he was sufficiently recovered to make the voyage he was sent back to Canada as officer in command of the steamship Hes- perion. Here again the gods of war took him into their favor, for on her very next voyage the Hesperion went to the bottom of the sea, the victim of an enemy torpedo. In Canada he took charge of the Sixty-eighth Battalion, recruited over three thousand men and had gone as far as Hali- fax on the way back to France with his new recruits when he was recalled to Regina to take charge of Military District No.12. The establishment of this district was largely the result of his own hard work and he was the first commanding officer. At this juncture he was raised to the rank of full colonel. He now has command of the Seventh Mounted Brigade and will soon be eligible for his long service medal-twenty years. In September of 1912 Norman S. Edgar was married to Eva Naomi Carnegie, daughter of James Carnegie and a native of Port Perry, Ontario. Her father, a distant cousin of the late Andrew Carnegie, is interested in the lumber milling industry. One son has been born to Colonel and Mrs. Edgar, a boy of eight named Norman Salisbury Edgar. He was christened by his father's regiment on the Plains of Salisbury, England. Mrs. Edgar is an active worker in the Presbyterian church, of which she is a member and secretary and treasurer of the Girl Guides. The Colonel is a Mason and belongs to the Assiniboia, Wascana Country, Army and Navy, and United Service Clubs and to the Great War Veterans Association. He is president of the Cavalry Association of Saskatchewan. Horseman- ship and rifle practice are his two hobbies and in each of them he is an ex- pert, riding like a centaur and having a record as an excellent marksman. Bibliography follows:

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