
A prominent barrister and solicitor of Melville, Saskatchewan, is Hammel M. P. deRoche, who was born in the province of Ontario, on the 11th of October, 1878, a son of Hammel M. and Sarah (Pile) deRoche. The father was likewise born in Ontario and was one of the foremost members of the legal profession in that province. Mr. deRoche was a high honor graduate of the University of Toronto and a King's Counsel, and he was likewise prominent in political affairs and a member of the Ontario legislature from 1871 to 1883. At the time of his death, which occurred in his seventy-seventh year, he was county attorney for the district of Napanee. To Mr. and Mrs. deRoche four children were born, Hammel M. P. being the third in order of birth. In the pursuit of his education Hammel M. P. deRoche attended the public schools of his birthplace and in 1901 was graduated from Toronto University. In boyhood he determined to follow in his father's foot- steps and subsequently entered his father's law office for the study of the profession. He was admitted to the bar in his native province in 1904. In 1908 he came west and located at Moose Jaw, where he was a pioneer lawyer, and the following year he came to Melville and has since resided there. Mr. deRoche has achieved well-merited success in his profession and is a worthy representative of the name he bears. He is not only thoroughly grounded in the principles of jurisprudence, but be possesses keen discernment, fine analytical powers and the retentive memory so essential to the successful barrister. He has been Crown Prosecutor since the year 1913. In 1905 Mr. deRoche was married to Miss Marion S. Taylor of To- ronto, and to them two children have been born: Wheatley, fourteen years of age; and Jean, aged twelve. Since attaining his majority Mr. deRoche has given his stanch sup- port to the Liberal party and the principles for which it stands. He maintains an active interest in local affairs and is well informed on all important questions and issues of the day. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and was one of the first grand superintendents of the new grand chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of Saskatchewan. He is identified with the Board of Trade and is a member of the school board, and for some time was a trustee of the Melville public schools. He is a member of the Executive Synod of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle, and is secre- tary of the local Council for Boy Scouts. Bibliography follows:

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