Arthur Edward Danby holds the important office of chief of police of Prince Albert. He was born at East Stockwith, England, on the 11th of October, 1871, a son of Charles and Mary A. (Slingsby) Danby, natives of that country. Arthur Edward Danby comes from a family that has furnished many policemen. For twenty-nine years his father served with the Lincolnshire county constabulary and his uncle was for thirty- five years a member of the same force. His brother, Charles Cooper Danby, was in police service twenty-six years and is now retired on a pension with the rank of inspector. Another brother, John Williams, served thirty-five years as chief constable of Hyde, England. Still an- other brother, younger than Arthur Edward, is chief constable of the City of Peterboro, a position he has held for twenty-six years. Charles Danby died in England in 1905 and his wife's death occurred two years later. Arthur Edward Danby was educated in the Heighington grammar school and at the age of eighteen years-in August, 1890-joined the Rotherham county borough police force. For four years he served on the borough police force on ordinary street duty and was then promoted to the position of detective constable and clerk. On the 1st of November, 1896, he was transferred to Barnsley county borough police force, with the rank of detective sergeant and on the 1st of November, 1899, became detective and chief inspector. On the 19th of March, 1901, he was ap- pointed chief constable of Louth, which position he held until December, 1906, when he became chief constable of Bedford borough, Bedford county, England, receiving a decided increase in remuneration. In December, 1909, he resigned that position and came to Canada, locating in Montreal for a time. There he worked for the Canadian Pacific Railroad for a time and in June, 1910, resumed his work with the police, being appointed chief of police of Prince Albert. He has since held this office, which is proof enough of his efficiency. The experience he received in England has been invaluable, for there the greatest degree of efficiency is maintained. While on duty in Rotherham and Barnsley, both densely populated industrial centers in the heart of the West Riding of Yorkshire coal mining district, strikes and labor troubles frequently occurred and Mr. Danby learned to combat them and had vast experience in handling large crowds, both riotous and peaceful. He studied finger printing in New Scotland Yard and is familiar with the modus operandi of criminals of every class. Mr. Danby likewise has good knowledge of criminal law and magisterial procedure and he conducts all police prosecutions. He is indeed well fitted for the position he occupies and Prince Albert is fortunate in having secured him for the office. In September of the year 1~93 Mr. Danby was married to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Slater and to their union two children have been born: Thomas whose birth occurred on the 4th of April, 1896, and who is a resident a: Prince Albert; and Arthur Edward, Jr., who was born in April, 1899 and is likewise residing. in Prince Albert. Fraternally Mr. Danby is a Mason and a member of Prince Alber Lodge, No.63. He is also past master of the lodge and is district depu~ grand master of Masonic District No.1. Mr. Danby is a member of the Rotary Club, the Kewatin Club and the Sons of England. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church. He is a great dog and bird fancier and raises canaries and Airdale dogs, his dogs having received many prizes. Bibliography follows:

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