Christopher John Rosborough, a prominent lumber and coal dealer
of Grenfell, Saskatchewan, was born on the 5th of February, 1866, in
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, a son of Thomas and Hanna (Switzer) Ros-
borough. His father engaged in farming in the province of Ontario and
also lived and farmed in the States for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ros-
borough died in Ontario.
In the acquirement of his early education Christopher John Rosbor-
ough attended the public schools of Ottawa and subsequently attended
business college. His early life was spent on the home farm and he re-
mained there until he was a young man. During that time he was also
employed by a dry goods firm in Ottawa for a time. On the 25th of
September, 1886, he came to Grenfell and engaged in farming on his
own account, acquiring a quarter section of land, which he farmed suc-
cessfully for about two years. In 1888 he engaged in educational work,
teaching school successively in Westfield, Wolseley, Grenfell and Sum-
merberry until 1894. In 1892 he attended the first normal school in
Regina and was a member of a class numbering fifty-two. In 1894 he
purchased the lumber and coal business of D. 0. Stuart and for about
thirty years he has been identified with the business circles of Grenfell
in this capacity and he stands high among the foremost business men of
this city and province. Mr. Rosborough is a veteran of the World war.
He enlisted in the service in February, 1915, as an officer and was in for ~
active service sixteen months, being attached to the R. C. D. in England,
In 1917 he received his honorable discharge and returned to Canada,
resuming his business in Grenfell.
On the 10th of June, 1909, Mr. Rosborough was married to Miss Eliza-
beth Hutchison, a native of Ayr, Scotland. To their union one child has
been born: Thomas Hutchison. In his political views Mr. Rosborough is
a Liberal and he is a firm believer in the principles of that party as
factors in good government. He was a member of the village council
for a number of years and was mayor of Grenfell for the term of 1914
and 1915. During his administration he inaugurated and brought to com-
pletion many movements for the benefit of the community at large. The
religous faith of Mr. Rosborough is that of the Methodist church and
fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Rosborough
is a man of genial and pleasing personality and is held in high confidence
esteem by all who know him.
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