One of the leading members of the medical profession in North Battle- ford, the district and prdvince is Dr. Frederick H. Hurlburt, a member of the well known firm of Hamelin, Panton & Hurlburt. He was born at Mitchell, Perth county, Ontario, on the 17th of September, 1874, a son of Thomas George and Jane (Honey) Hurlburt, both natives of the province of Ontario. The father farmed for the greater part of his life in Perth county and there his death occurred in September, 1917, at the age of seventy-seven years. His widow survives him and is making her home with her children, who reside in North Battleford, Lashford and Aberdeen, spending some time with each of them. The public schools of Mitchell afforded Frederick H. Hurlburt his early education and after graduating from high school he taught in the public schools of the proviYice for five years. He then enrolled in the University of Toronto and the M. B. degree was conferred upon him by that institution in 1907. He then came west and located at Lashburn, Saskatchewan, where he practiced for five years. In 1912 he came to the old town of Battleford and practiced until 1915, when he enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps and was given a lieutenant's commission. He went overseas in January of the following year, was in a training camp for a short time and then was sent to Mesopotamia, where he re- mained until March, 191.7. He then returned to Canada, received his honorable discharge and commenced to practice in North Battleford On the 1st of December, 1919, he became a partner of Drs. J. J. Hamelin and L. A. C. Panton, under the firm name of Hamelin, Panton & Hurl- burt and that association has since been maintained. Each of the doctors is a specialist and has been remarkably successful in his branch of the profession. Dr. Hurlburt specializes in internal medicine. He is also actively interested in farming and has extensive interests in association with his brother. The firm is known as Huriburt Brothers and the head- quarters are in Lashburn. They operate three-quarters of a section and have two hundred and fifty acres in cultivation. On the 7th of June, 1911, Dr. Huriburt was married to Miss Esther Beatrix Buckingham of Stratford, Ontario, and they are the parents of two children: Edith Elizabeth, born on the 13th of June, 1914; and Frederick William Buckingham, born on the 13th of July, 1916. Dr. Hurlburt is a Liberal in his political views and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. He has never sought nor desired political pref- erment, but is ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privileges of good citizenship and to that end is never too busy to land his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. He is chairman of the Collegiate School board and was medical health officer of the old town of Battleford for two years. He is a member of the Canadian and Saskatchewan Medical Societies and fra- ternally is a Mason, belonging to the chapter. He is an active member of the Rotary Club an~ the Canadian Club and socially is connected with the Curling Club. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church. Bibliography follows:

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