Harry E. Armstrong, who is entitled to a prominent position among
the business men of Regina as a member of the oldest firm in the city
engaged in the hardware business, was born in Wellington county, On
tario, in 1870. His parents were Thomas S. and Rebecca (Boyce) Arm
strong, who had a family of sixteen children, fourteen of whom are liv-
ing. Thomas Armstrong was born in the United States, a son of Scotch
parents, who were on their way from their native land to Canada. He
grew to manhood in Canada, where he met and married an Ontario girl
and farmed in that province all of his active life. He was a Liberal in
his political views and both he and his wife were active members of the
Congregational church. Harry E. was the eighth child in the family.
He was educated in Guelph, Ontario, where he completed the high school
course and for five years after finishing school taught in Ontario and
Harry E. Armstrong first came to Regina in 1893. Subsequently he
went to Ellsworth, Wisconsin, United States of America, where he con-
ducted a hardware establishment for three years, from 1898 to 1901.
Upon his return to Regina, he entered the service of the provincial gov-
ernment for a two-year period, after which he again engaged in the hard-
ware business as an employe of the Western Hardware Company, with
which he was connected for three years. In 1906, in Partnership with J.
W. Smyth and G. R. Dowswell, he formed the firm of Armstrong, Smyth
& Dowswell, Limited, for the purpose of opening and conducting a hard
ware store. The establishment of this company has been in existence
longer than any other store of its kind in the city and does a large volume
of business. It carries a large and very complete stock, from which it
supplies the needs of all the people in the community who have use for
any sort of hardware, cutlery, tools and the other articles commonly
handled by such establishments. The firm has always been very progress-
sive in its methods and its members are on the alert to discover a new
way to improve the service they render their customers. Much of the
credit for the success of this undertaking is due to Mr. Armstrong, who
has ever been an influential factor in its management and has worked
unceasingly to build up and maintain a large trade.
and In 1895 Mr. Armstrong was united in marriage to Miss Margaret
Salisbury, who was born in the province of Ontario and educated at Co-
bourg. They have three children: Mrs. J. N. Thorn, whose husband is
the manager of the Tudhope Anderson Company of Regina; Arthur H.,
who is associated with his father in the hardware business; and Don E.,
a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, with an A. B. degree,
class of 1923. The family belong to the Metropolitan Methodist church,
in which Mr. Armstrong has been active in the work of the Sunday school,
serving as superintendent for two different terms. His wife is one of
the leaders in the temperance movement in Saskatchewan, has been presi-
dent of the Provincial organization of the Women's Christian Temperance
Union for the past seven years and h~a~ traveled extensively throughout
the province in connection with this work. The Rebekah Association,
also, numbers her among its valuable members and honored her by
electing her president for a term.
Fraternally Mr. Armstrong is identified with the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, in which he has been very active, serving as head of the
provincial organization and as head of the canton. In politics he sup-
ports the Liberal party, but has never found time from his business
affairs to take much part in political affairs. His sole elective office is
that of councilman on the Regina council, which he held for a term. He
gives his hearty support and cooperation to movements for the advance-
ment of the city along commercial and civic lines, however, and is ac-
counted one of the strong members of the Kiwanis Club.
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