Dr. Charles G. Cox, physician and surgeon and medical examiner of the Board of Pensions, Soldiers Civil Reestablishment, is one of the prominent residents of Saskatoon. He was born in Ottawa, on the 1st of June, 1885, a son of Samuel and Ermina (McNiece) Cox, likewise natives of Ontario. In early life the father engaged in the lumber busi- ness and was active in that line of work for the remainder of his life. His death occurred in 1906 and was deeply regretted by his family and many friends in the community in which he made his home. His widow is living in Ottawa. The public schools of Ottawa afforded Charles G. Cox his early edu- cation and in due time he enrolled in McGill University, from which in- stitution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1909. In that same year he began the active practice of his chosen profession in Buchanan, Saskatchewan, and remained there for three years, building up an exten- sive and important patronage. At the termination of that time he went to Humboldt and was practicing there upon the outbreak of the Great war. In 1916 he put all personal interests aside and enlisted in the serv- ice of his country. He was commissioned a captain and with the Two Hundred and Fourteenth Battalion, he went overseas, where he partici- pated in many of the strategic engagements of the war, and he received his honorable discharge in December, 1918. He immediately returned to Canada and located at Regina, taking over the medical board work of that city. In 1919 he was transferred to Saskatoon and placed in charge of the pension board and has since been active in this position. The Doctor is a man of genial and pleasing personality and his friends are legion. In January, 1905, Dr. Cox was married to Miss Flossie A. Gordon and to them four children have been born: Evelyn Sadie, Margaret, Gertrude Ruth and Norma Gwendolyn. Since attaining his majority the Doctor has given his political endorsement to the Liberal party and he has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good govern- ment. He is essentially public-spirited and has ever supported those interests which are calculated to uplift humanity and promote the up- building of Saskatoon. Fraternally Dr. Cox is identified with the Masons, and he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He is an active member of the Kiwanis Club and also of the Saskatoon Club and the Riverside Country Club. The religious faith of Dr. Cox is that of the Methodist church. Bibliography follows:

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