William Wesley Cooper is well known in the commercial circles of Swift Current as an upright and reliable business man, interested in everything conducive to the progress and improvement of the city and district. He has been prominent in the mercantile business since 1903 and since 1912 has conducted business under the name of The W. W. Cooper Company, Departmental Store. He was born in Victoria county, Ontario, on the 31st of August, l873, a son of John and Ellen (McNeely) Cooper. William Wesley Cooper was educated in a public school in Victoria County, which afforded him his early education, and in due time he was graduated from high school at Medicine Hat. He located in Medicine Hat in April, 189O. In June, 1903, he came to Swift Current and engaged in the mercantile business under the name of Argue & Cooper. In 1912 he purchased his partner's interest and the firm name was changed to The W. W. Cooper Company, Departmental Store. The W. W. Cooper Company Departmental Store is one of the representative enterprises of its kind in the west, and Mr. Cooper has built up an extensive and ever-increasing patronage. He carries a complete and high-grade line of goods and employs efficient and courteous clerks. Aside from the store in Swift Current, he operates branch stores in Cabri and Vanguard. He is managing director of the Ben Allan Portland Cement Company, Lim- ited, at Owen Sound, Ontario, and is proprietor of the Swift Current Co-operative Agencies. His interests are wide and varied and the story of his career is the story of well earned success, which is the natural re- suIt of hard work and ability. Fraternally Mr. Cooper is identified with the Ancient Free and Ac- cepted Masons and he has attained the Mystic Shrine. He is likewise affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He was the first president of the Swift Current Rotary Club and an active member of the local Board of Trade. He is a member of the executive committee of the Old Timers Association and is Boy Scouts Commissioner of the Swift Current District. For recreation Mr. Cooper turns to the great outdoors and he is fond of fishing, golf, motoring and shooting. His religious faith is manifest in his attendance at the Meth- odist church. Since attaining his majority Mr. Cooper has been a stanch supporter of the Liberal party and he is active in any movement for the progress and improvement of his city. Bibliography follows:

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