Dr. William R. Coles, who is recognized in Regina as one of the most able physicians in the city, specializes in the care and diseases of children. The son of Charles and Elizabeth (Crabb) Coles, he was born in Prince Edward Island, the birthplace of his parents, who resided there through- out their lives. His father, a farmer by occupation, was an Orangeman and voted with the Liberal party. He was related to the Hon. George Coles, a leader in the government circles of Prince Edward Island for many years and one of the fathers of the confederation. Mr. Coles was also identified with the movement for better educational facilities in his province and did much toward establishing the present excellent school system. Twelve of the thirteen children born to Charles and Elizabeth Coles grew to maturity and two are living in Saskatchewan-Dr. Coles and his brother, C. S. Coles, a farmer of Bladworth. As the parents were members of the Anglican church the children in the Coles family were reared in that faith. William R. Coles received his early education in the public schools of Prince Edward Island, following which he entered the Trinity Medical School at Toronto, from which he graduated in 1901. Returning to his native province he began the practice of his profession at Murray River. After two years of experience there he came to Regina in the month of August, 1903, where he has been engaged in medical work ever since and now ranks third among his colleagues in the length of time he has been practicing here. He has one of the largest practices in Regina and a very important one, for he confines his attention to care and diseases of chil- dren. During the more than twenty years he has been practicing Dr. Coles has never ceased to be a student and is widely and thoroughly read on professional subjects. Moreover, he has done graduate work whenever he has had the opportunity, spending four months in the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital of Chicago in 1905 and the entire year, 1912-1913, in the famous clinics and hospitals of London, England. As a young man Dr. Coles had his first military experience as a mem- ber of the militia artillery at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. In 1909 he was commissioned in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and in 1916 volunteered for overseas service in the Great war. He was sent to France that same year with the One Hundred and Ninety-fifth Battalion, as its medical officer. Four of the fifteen months he spent in France he was on duty with the Fourth Canadian Field Ambulance Corps. Return- ing to Canada he was eventually discharged from the army, in August, 1919, and at once resumed his private practice in Regina. Dr. Coles is now commander of one of the military units of M. D. 12, Casualty Clear- ing Station No.7, holding the rank of lieutenant colonel. r. Coles was married to Miss Lilla Jane Richards of Prince Edward Island, and they are the parents of two daughters: Constance and Etta, now of school age. Dr. Coles retains his affiliations with the Anglican church, in which he was reared, while his wife is a Presbyterian. He is a Scottish Rite Mason and a Forester, and belongs to the Wascana Coun- try Club, the Association of Great War Veterans, and the Military Insti- tute of Regina. Dr. Coles has never sought office outside of the strict path of his profession, preferring to concentrate all his energies upon his practice, but his influence and aid are always given on the side of progress, reform and improvement and he has high ideals of a citizen's and a physi- cian's obligations to his fellowmen. Bibliography follows:

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