Roy W. Barr is a member of the Saskatchewan bar who enjoys an
important clientele in Saskatoon. He was born in Norwich, Ontario, in
September, 1888, a son of George and Clara (Morphy) Barr, natives of
Norwich. For many years George Barr engaged in agricultural pursuits
one mile from Norwich and he operated a flour and feed business in Nor-
wich for some time. He is now living retired and is making his home in
Vancouver, where he is a highly respected and esteemed citizen. To
Mr. and Mrs. Barr eight children were born, six of whom are living.
G. H. Barr, a prominent barrister of Regina, is a brother of Roy W. Barr,
and extended mention of him is made on another page of this work.
Roy W. Barr received his education in the grade schools of Norwich
and Seaforth and attended high school at Owen Sound, Ontario, and
Regina. In 1903 he came to Regina, but prior to removal there he took
a business course in Toronto. For three years he worked for the Massey-
Harris Company in Regina and Moose Jaw and then entered high school
in Regina, from which institution he was graduated at the age of nine-
teen years. He then went to British Columbia and into the western
states for six years and while there spent five months with an expedition
in Nicaragua, serving in that expedition with the rank of quartermaster.
For six months Mr. Barr was with a fishing expedition at sea. During
the period spent with both expeditions he had many exciting experiences.
Upon his return to Regina he took up the study of law in connection with
his brother, G. H., and had been with him three years when the Great
war broke out. Being intensely patriotic Mr. Barr was quick to put all
personal interests aside and in 1914 he enlisted with the Sixtieth Regina
Battery, He participated in many of the most important battles of the
war and was wounded. He took special instruction and examinations in
gun laying and specialized in that branch of the service, in which he was
very efficient. In June, 1919, he returned from overseas and after re-
ceiving his honorable discharge completed his law course with his brother
and was admitted to the bar on the 3d of January, 1920. He engaged in
the practice of his profession in association with his brother until Oc-
tober, 1920, when he came to Saskatoon and engaged in practice inde-
In September, 1922, Mr. Barr was married to Miss Katie Madeline
Mann, a daughter of Charles Mann, a native of England. Mr. and Mrs.
Mann were born in England, and came to Canada at an early date, tak-
ing up land in Manitoba. For many years the father operated that land
successfully, and then they removed to Regina. They are now residents
of Winnipeg, where they are well known and highly esteemed citizens.
Mrs. Barr is a woman of personal charm and she is active in the club
and social affairs of this community.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Barr has given his political allegiance
to the Liberal party and although he maintains an active interest in
party affairs he has never sought nor desired political preferment. Along
strictly professional lines he is identified with the Saskatchewan Bar
Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. He is popular in both
organizations. Mr. Barr is a musician of ability, playing the clarinet,
and for some time he was a member of the Ninety-fifth Saskatchewan
Rifles Band. For several months after the war he was a member of a
concert party that toured France and Belgium. Mr. Barr is a consistent
member of the Anglican church, of which he is a vestryman, and since
coming to Saskatoon he has organized an orchestra for the Anglican
Church Dramatic Society, in which he plays the clarinet. His life is very
active and he is one of the popular citizens of Saskatoon.
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