A representative barrister and solicitor of Shaunavon is Silas W.
Baker, who was born in York county, Ontario, on the 2d of January,
1887, a son of Joseph and Susan (Jack) Baker. His father is engaged
in farming in Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Baker are prominent and highly
esteemed citizens of the community in which they reside.
In the pursuit of his preliminary education Silas W. Baker attended
the public schools of Ontario and came west to Saskatchewan in 1906.
He took up residence in Moose Jaw and there studied law for four years.
In 1914 he located in Shaunavon for the practice of his chosen profession
and has since resided here. Mr. Baker brought to the profession innate
ability and thorough training and he enjoys an extensive and repre-
sentative clientele, handling much important litigation before the courts.
He has served as town solicitor.
On the 6th of June, 1912, Silas W. Baker was married to Miss Ivie E.
Hunter of Arcola, Saskatchewan, and to them one son has been born:
Milton. Fraternally Mr. Baker is identified with the Masons and he is
readily conceded to be an exemplary member of the craft. His religious
faith is that of the Baptist church. He is an active member of the local
Board of Trade. Although Mr. Baker has never sought nor desired po-
litical preferment he is essentially public-spirited and is never too busy
to lend his cooperation in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit
of the community. Since coming to Shaunavon he has made many friends
and he is held in high confidence and esteem.
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