194...............CANADA IN FLANDERS
From all I have heard, and from what I have
been able to see at to-day's inspection aNd
march-past, I am satisfied that you have made
good use of the time spent on Salisbury Plain.
By your willing and prompt rally to our
common flag you have already earned the grati-
tude of the Motherland.
By your deeds and achievements on the field
of battle I am confident that you will emulate
the example of your fellow-countrymen in the
South African War, and thus help to secure the
triumph of our arms.
I shall follow with pride and interest all your
movements. I pray that God may bless you
and watch over you.
To the Second Division
On September 2nd, 1915, the King, accompanied
by Lord Kitchener, inspected the 2nd Division in
Beachborough Park, Shorncliffe. Before leaving
His Majesty directed General Turner to inform all
Commanding Officers that he considered the Divi-
sion one of the finest he had inspected since the
beginning of the war. Subsequently the following
message from the King was published in Orders:-
Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and
Men of the 2nd Canadian Division-six months
ago I inspected the 1st Canadian Division
before their departure for the front. The
heroism they have since shown upon the field
of battle has won for them undying fame. you
are now leaving to join them, and I am glad to