Welcome To the Saskatoon Gen Web Photo Gallery Project
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Central Saskatchewan
Saskatoon Gen Web Region
Photo Project

Harris, Saskatchewan
CN Chappell Yards, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Laura, Saskatchewan
Sidwalk covered in snow.
El Nino snowfall in 1998, photo of autumn tree with leaves covered in snow.
Walking closer to above tree. Snow for winter season comes late in October and lasts till mid March ~ approximately 6 months of the year.
Closest photo of tree covered in snow.
Sjolie School District 2145 Monument.This school house and monument are off of Highway number 5. Turn South at St. Gregor and go about 11 miles ( ) turn after a large pig farming operation and it should be on the left hand side of the road approximately 1 mile after the turn.
Sjolie School District 2145 one room school Drawing.
Sjolie School District 2145 one-room school.
Sjolie School District 2145 one-room country school side done in a watercolor aspect. There are not too many one-room school houses left standing in Saskatchewan, so I have tried to preserve this one in photographs from different angles.
Watercolor art of the front a one room school house in Sjolie School district 4 miles south and 1 mile east of monument.
Drawing of the balconey side of a one room school house in Sjolie School district 4 miles south and 1 mile east of monument.
Water color of the window side of a one room school house in Sjolie School district 4 miles south and 1 mile east of monument.
Sketch of playroom game in one room school house.
Greek Orthodox Church in Smuts, Saskatchewan.
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Photos of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon Gen Web region
Photos of Saskatchewan Continued- Saskatoon Gen Web region
Photos of Saskatchewan Continued- Batoche / Fish Creek Saskatoon Gen Web region
Doukhobor Community Photo Album
Photos of Saskatchewan Continued- Kamsack Gen Web region
Photos of Saskatchewan - Kindersley Gen Web region
Photos of Saskatchewan - Lloydminster Gen Web region

Please comment on the pictures if they remind you of any of your family stories, or if you would like to contribute information about them in regards to Saskatchewan history or current practices. View comments

If you have any photos you would like to submit of the Saskatoon Gen Web Region, either current ones or historical ones which give some insight into our beautiful province and the people living here, I would love to place them on the web site. Please submit via e-mail. Or if you don't have access to a scanner, please e-mail me for my postal address. You could post them to me with a SASE enclosed for returning it to you, and I would scan it and put it online. Please also add any photographers credits, ancedote, or history along with it that you wish to also be on the website. These photos must be your own copyright property and please state in writing that I have permission to put them online.

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Web Master: J. Adamson, for Saskatoon Region Gen Web Project
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