East of Alvena, Saskatchewan 12-41-1-W3 and South of Fish Creek, Saskatchewan 3-42-1-W3
Between Tsp 41, Rge 2 marker and Tsp 41, Rge 1 marker
this cross - ________ God, in memorium of Joseph retsaka and his wife ________ June 21 year : S13 T 41 R2 M3 : Ma. Fedoriv *

(Photo taken looking North towards marker. Road continues towards Fish Creek, Sk.
Marker on North East corner of grid road intersection.)

Joseph Gruysaka (or Hritsak, as the "g" sound in English and Russian becomes an "h" sound in Ukrainian) and his wife Avaokia (like Evdokia, an older Ukrainian name) and the cross was put up by Mr Fedorov.
Translated by Carrie Eirene Stevenson

Searching the Western Land Grants for section 13 township 41, range 2, west meridian 3 :
SE 13 41 2 W3 Names: Jozyf Hrycak
This is probably whom the marker commemorates. Submitted by Sheila Schmutz researcher of Alvena, Saskatchewan Genealogy and Homestead History

This photo taken looking to the left of the marker (looking east travelling away from Alvena, Sk.)

*This marker was kindly translated from Ukrainian by Carrie Eirene Stevenson (

*photos by Julia Adamson ( Sept 1, 2003.

created September 2003

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