Gen Web Project

Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Look Up Volunteers Guidelines
  1. Abuses of the kindness of these volunteers will probably cause them to withdraw their names so please don't ask for all references to a common name, or for a time-consuming research.

  2. Requests MUST be SPECIFIC: give as much detail as you can. Do not ask a volunteer to do anything outside of their area or to do anything for which they have not volunteered. NO general surname searches or vague searches.

  3. Volunteers may or may not be willing to obtain copies of the relevant pages. If they are, expect to reimburse expenses. .You WILL be expected to reimburse expenses incurred: fresh video, postage, copy cost, print fee..

  4. This site, the webmaster or Roots web is NOT responsible for the transactions between volunteers and requests for information in any way..Rootsweb is dedicated to providing data to the online genealogical community as well as to provide support services to online genealogical activities.

  5. Check other sources and library resource and if the resource you wish to find is not available yet on the list, and you cannot obtain it through inter-library loan, contact me and I will see I can assist you.

  6. You may want to consider purchasing your own copy of relevant resources to aid your research, if it is available.

  7. You may wish to consider sending an e-mail to the volunteer with a link to a thank you card by copying and pasting this link https://saskgenweb.ca/sklloydm/thanks.html for the volunteer's time spent on your behalf.

  8. If you wish to volunteer: sign up

  9. Back to Look up Volunteer Page