Unmarked Graves Transcriptions - Holy Rosary Cemetery at Reward. I may be able to help with some missing information. There are two entries without names entitled "Iron Crosses." There are three entries labeled "unknown."

I visited the cemetery on October 25, 1994. Here is a transcription of part of my notes. [Incidentally, Michael and Barbara Bretzer are my great grand parents.]

"Michael and Barbara Bretzer are buried at the [cemetery]. They are not buried side by side. B. Bretzer is near the north end of the cemetery. M. Bretzer is near the S.E. corner of the cemetery. Both graves are marked with ornate metal crosses. There are metal plates covered with glass with the names which were varely visible. ..."

[Note: Michael Bretzer died June 2, 1942. Barbara Bretzer (nee Wander) died January 5, 1937.]

"Leo Kist and John Kist ... are also buried at the [cemetery]. They are small graves at the N.E. corner of the cemetery. They are marked with wooden crosses, one of which had fallen apart. There are no markers with legible writing at either grave."

[Note: Leo Kist and John Kist died as children. They were the sons of Michael and Marion Kist. Marion Kist was the daughter of Michael and Barbara Bretzer. Leo Kist was born April 19, 1920 and died March 25, 1921. John Kist was born December 22, 1921 and died January 24, 1922.]

I hope this helps.

Regards, - Doug Stokes EMail: DGS785@usak.ca

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Step into a new era with us, where your backing, in any form, is a precious contribution to the shared history that binds us all. An appeal is made to preserve invaluable documents like old telephone books, Henderson's directories, city directories, pioneer photos, letters, books, town directories, co-op membership books, credit union and elevator books, grain company records, church books, cattle brand books, school records, church lists, homestead maps, and more. These documents list names of community residents and should be preserved. Placing them online or duplicating them will help prevent the loss of primary source documents for family genealogists.

As we delve into preserving and commemorating the vibrant history of Battleford and its environs, your participation is crucial. Whether you hold memories of historical maps, one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters, your input significantly enhances understanding for fellow seekers exploring their family tree and histories. Join us on this exciting journey!

Warm regards, The Battleford and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team

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