Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Yorkton High School

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
1908 1909, Jessie McPhee by door. Teacher W.S. Cram

Yorkton High School 1908 1909, Jessie McPhee by door.  Teacher W.S. Cram, Eva Neiley, Eva (Neiley) Cooper,    CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan
For large image click here
Yorkton High School, Yorkton, Saskatchewan SW 2 26 4 W2, Latitude, Longitude 51.213775, -102.4628806,1908 1909, Jessie McPhee by door. Teacher W.S. Cram

Yorkton High School,  Yorkton, Saskatchewan	SW 2 26 4 W2, 51.213775, -102.4628806,1908 1909, Jessie McPhee by door.  Teacher W.S. Cram,  Eva Neiley, Eva (Neiley) Cooper,   CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan

Submitter, photographs © Brian D. Gushulak
School Photos courtesy of The collection of Eva Von Agnes Cooper.
Maps are courtesy of the Online Historical Map Digitization Project and the Archives of Saskatchewan.

Yorkton High School

Yorkton, Saskatchewan
1908 1909, Jessie McPhee by door. Teacher W.S. Cram

Yorkton is near the Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244. Yorkton was founded in 1882; became a village July 11, 1894, incorporated as a town on April 16, 1900, and with a population count of 5,000 + people incorporated as a city as of February 1, 1928. The current population is over 15,000 (2011).

Marilynn Cooper and and her husband, Brian D. Gushulak , inherited the photos of her grandmother, Eva (Neiley) Cooper.

"Eva (Neiley) Cooper completed Normal School in Regina in 1910 and taught at a couple of one room schools in Saskatchewan for two years before moving to Vancouver to attend nursing college." This is one of her photos.... "of her students at Glyndwr School from June 1911."

Eva Neiley was born in Kings County Nova Scotia in 1891. Her mother died three years later and her father remarried. He left Nova Scotia in 1906 and homesteaded near Saltcoats. Following graduation from Yorkton High School Eva attended Normal School in Regina in 1910 and then taught for approximately two years ( Glyndwr and Clova). Her father passed in 1912 after which she went on to fulfill a dream to become a nurse. Graduating from Vancouver General Hospital’s nursing college in 1915 she returned to Unity, Saskatchewan where she was matron of the small hospital until she married a local farmer, Samuel Ward Cooper. Eva died in 1977.

Brian D. Gushulak

Nearby Placenames and their legal land descriptions:

Barvas 32-25-1-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Beaver Dale 15-26-7-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Brewer 19-23-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Burgis 36-29-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Burgis Beach 26,26,34-29-5-W2 is a nearby Hamlet
Calley 32-25-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Cana 9-22-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Cana No. 214 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Chrysler 20-25-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Clonmel 20-24-2-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Crescent Lake 15,22-23-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Dneiper 27-28-2-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Donald Gunn 17-29-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Donwell 27-29-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Dracup 5-26-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Enfin 16-25-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Good Spirit Acres is a nearby Hamlet
Gorlitz 25-28-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Hamton 23-28-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Kitchimanitou is a nearby Unincorporated area
Little Bone 74B 35-23-4-W2 is a nearby Indian Reserve
McKim 9-24-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Mehan 36-26-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Minoahchak 74C 6-24-3,4-W2 is a nearby Indian Reserve
Orcadia 26-26-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Orkney No. 244 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Pollock 13-27-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Rhein 23-27-2-W2 is a nearby Village
Rock Dell 22-25-7-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Rokeby 3-25-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Saltcoats 1-24-2-W2 is a nearby Town
Saltcoats No. 213 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Sliding Hills No. 273 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Spirit Lake 9-29-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Spiritwood Acres is a nearby Hamlet
Springside 23-27-6-W2 is a nearby Town
Stornoway 35-26-1-W2 is a nearby Hamlet
Sturdee 3-25-3-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Tonkin 25,26-2-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Vanstone 2-26-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Wallace No. 243 is a nearby Rural Municipality
White Spruce 35-26-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Whitesand 28-28-5-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area
Willowbrook 33-25-6-W2 is a nearby Hamlet
Yorkton is a nearby City
Young Siding 24-26-4-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated area

For more information:

Book Title Remember the schools that opened our minds.
... Yorkton Public School Division History . ...Publisher, Date: Yorkton, Sask. : Yorkton Public School Division, 93, c1995.

Book Title Yorkton : York Colony to treasure chest city
... Yorkton : York Colony to treasure chest city / history compiled by Laurie Hluchaniuk and York Colony Research ; ...Publisher, Date: Yorkton, Sask. : Yorkton Centennial Committee, [1982?]

Book Title Sacred Heart High School Yearbooks

Book Title Yorkton : windows on our history : pre-colonization times to 2005
by Prince, The´re`se Lefebvre. [author, Therese Lefebvre ...Publisher, Date: Yorkton, Sask. : City of Yorkton, 2005.

Book Title York Farmers Colonization Company, guide & record ...
by York Farmers Colonization Co.
Publisher, Date: Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1976.Description: 1 fiche (23 fr.) : charts, map.Series: Peel bibliography on microfiche ; no. 779.

DVD Title Yorkton 1905-2005 Photographs ... 123 years of history and growth of Yorkton ...a visual essay on the settlement of Yorkton ...
Publisher, Date: Frameworks Ltd., c2005.

DVD Title Yorkton 125 1882-2007 Photographic Collection ... 125 years of history and growth of Yorkton ...a visual essay on the settlement of Yorkton ...Publisher, Date: Frameworks Ltd., c2007.

Book Title
From ox-tails to highways in 60 years : Yorkton district.

by Swallow, Henry Sparling.
... Yorkton (Sask.) History . ...Publisher, Date: [Yorkton, Sask. : s.n., 1955].Book Title The Yorkton Province Story 1906-2006
... Yorkton (Sask.) History . ...Publisher, Date: c2006.

Book Title From ox-trails to highways in 60 years : Yorkton district.
by Swallow, Harry Sparling, 1884- ... Yorkton Region (Sask.) History . ...Publisher, Date: [Yorkton, Sask., 1955]

Other submissions from Brian D. Gushulak regarding The collection of Eva Von Agnes Cooper. | Gallery

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From: Brian D. Gushulak
Subject: 1911 Glyndwr School Photo