Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Tipperary School District 2008
Started out as Belle Plain School District 2008
SE section 36 township 19 Range 12 west of the second meridian
GPS N 50 39' 56.2"W 103 32' 24.6"
Near Balcarres South east section 13 township 21 range 12 west of the second meridian,
province of Saskatchewan, Canada

013_1 014_1 016_1 017_1 TipperarySchool2008Map

Nearby Place names

Abernethy No. 186 is a rural municipality
Abernethy 25-20-11-W2 is a near by Village
Blackwood 1-19-11-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Okanese 82H 19-10-W2 is a near by Indian Reserve
Indian Head No. 156 is a near by Other municipal/district area - miscellaneous
District of Katepwa is a near by Village
Katepwa Beach 9-20-12-W2 is a near by Village
Katepwa South 32-19-12-W2 is a near by Village
Taylor Beach 8-20-12-W2 is a near by Hamlet
Lake View Beach 8-20-12-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area vCarry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation 76-31 is a near by Indian Reserve
Balcarres 13-21-12-W2 is a near by Town
Sandy Beach 17-20-12-W2 is a near by Village
Gillespie 24-21-11-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Hugonard 15-21-12-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Okanese 82(R) is a near by Indian Reserve
Lemberg 21-20-9-W2 is a near by Town
Lebret 2-21-13-W2 is a near by Village
Dingley 11-18-12-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Wa-Pii Moos-Toosis (White Calf) 83A 11-20-13-W2 is a near by Indian Reserve
Lorlie 26-21-10-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Peepeekisis 81 21,22-21,22-10,11-W2 is a near by Indian Reserve
Indian Head 24-18-13-W2 is a near by Town
Ellisboro 17-18-9-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Sintaluta 33-17-11-W2 is a near by Town
Pheasant Forks 22-21-9-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Treaty Four Reserve Grounds 77 21-13-W2 is a near by Indian Reserve
Finnie 33-21-9-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Fort Qu'Appelle 7-21-13-W2 is a near by Town
Winro 29-18-13-W2 is a near by Unincorporated area
Star Blanket 83B 21-13-W2 is a near by Indian Reserve
7Wolseley No. 155 is a rural municipality
Fort San 18,24,26-21-13,14-W2 is a near by Village
B-Say-Tah 23-21-14-W2 is a near by Village

For more information

Legacy of Stone: Saskatchewan's Stone BuildingsAuthors Margaret Hryniuk, Frank Korvemaker. Photographs by Larry Easton. Edition illustrated. Publisher Coteau Books, 2008. ISBN 1550503693, 9781550503692. Page 21.

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Historical township, range, meridian maps


Tipperary school District 2008 was not located near Tipperary Creek, the first name given to Opimihaw Creek which is at Wanuskewin near Saskatoon.

Belle Plain School District 2008 was not near Belle Plaine, the village located at North section 31 township 16 range 23 west of the second meridian. Notice the difference in spelling Plain and Plaine. The Belle Plaine village school was named Belle Plaine School District 2163.

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One Room School Districts, Churches, Cemeteries in the area of Yorkton, and the New Finland District

Yorkton Gen Web Region
1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Tipperary School District 2008

Tipperary School District 2008, SE section 36 township 19 Range 12 west of the second meridian, Near Balcarres South east section 13 township 21 range 12 west of the second meridian, Tipperary School District 2008, SE section 36 township 19 Range 12 west of the second meridian, Near Balcarres South east section 13 township 21 range 12 west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,